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How To Improve Promotional Emails By Applying The Visual Design Principles

Essay Instructions:

Write about an example of communication that could be improved by applying the visual design principles you read about this week. The communication can be any medium—a web page, a magazine ad, a promotional email, an illustration from a report, etcetera—as long as you can display it in the discussion forum. To attach a file to the discussion forum, select the “Attach” button in the bottom left-hand corner when creating a discussion response.

In your post, identify the visual weaknesses and describe ways to fix them. Explain why the message is not as effective as it could be and how your suggestions would make it more effective.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Model
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How to improve promotional emails by applying the visual design principles
The use of consistent visual design elements in promotional email efforts helps potential customers recognize its updates. A successful company understands that using strong visual brands helps connect with the community and effectively convey its personality, making it memorable. There are several other ways in which visual design principles applied to improve promotional emails, as elaborated here.
Setting the color palette is an essential factor a company should focus on when emailing. Every company has specific colors associated with it. The colors help in brand personality and recognition. Visual design principles help fix the above weaknesses in promotional emails ensure that email marketing appeals to the target market. It ensures that the right people get the right message. Implement email software and internet service providers that filter the mails (Moss, 2017). The design of the mail should crop up correctly across all devices and mail providers....
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