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Business & Marketing
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Code of Conduct. Business and Marketing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Devise a Code of Conduct for any business that you may want to go into. See this for the proper format. https://resources(dot)workable(dot)com/employee-code-of-conduct-company-policy (Links to an external site.)

Do not copy what is in this code.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Code of Conduct
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Code of Conduct
The telecommunications industry is one of the leading industries in the world today. Technology is undoubtedly the future of humanity. Therefore, I would like to get into the telecom business because it offers a bright future. Below is a code of conduct that the telecommunications company I would join should follow.
Corporate Governance
The company should comply with all the regulations governing its management and follow all the international standards on responsible corporate governance.
Business Relationships
To honor the trust of its shareholders, customers, and the public, the company should avoid any form of corrupt behavior. This means that the company's employees should not offer or promise any benefits to government officials or decision-makers in the private sector, both in the country or abroad. Therefore, all employees should bear this in mind when making or receiving business invitations.
Public Service Contracts
The company is bound to take up several public service contracts. All employees should be aware that the public service market is significant to the company. Therefore, employees should adhere to the rules governing the issuing of tenders to ensure fair competition.
The company should conduct the procurement of goods and services, legally and professionally. Also, all procurement should be done at optimal conditions to ensure the company benefits. All procurement acts and applicable laws should be followed as bypassing them will lead to investigation and consequences for the company.
The company shall retain business relations with suppliers that are bas...
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