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Supervisor Interview Report. Business Leader Interview and Analysis.

Essay Instructions:

Conduct an interview with a senior supervisor and complete a 3-5 page double-spaced report and analysis of the interview.

1. Introduction of the leader you interviewed including title, organization, qualifications, etc. (Avoid a selecting a relative for this assignment.)

2. Interview questions -- a minimum of 5 using topics from our text, e.g. leadership style, teamwork, motivation, conflict resolution, ethics, change, communication.

3. Interview answers -- these can be summarized and do not need to be verbatim.

4. Description and analysis of interviewee's leadership style and skills. Refer to at least one theory of leadership from our text.

5. Statement of what you learned to enhance your development as a leader.

Below is a list of interview questions used by students in previous classes. These are examples only. You are not required to use them.

Please describe your leadership style. What is your strongest trait?

What do you think is the key to effectively managing others?

What do you think is the most challenging thing about transferring to a leadership role?

How do you share your vision and enlist others in a common vision?

As a leader, how do you motivate employees?

How do advances in technology affect your goals?

What do you feel is the most important thing to remember when handling conflict with employees?

Throughout your career, what do think has changed most about leadership?

What is one of the things you do to open up communications with your employees?

What advice would you give a new leader?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Leader Interview and Analysis
Student's Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Business Leader Interview and Analysis
Introduction of the leader 
The leader I interviewed was the overall store manager at a local Market Basket branch. He explained that he had a retail management degree, but the qualification was not required for his position. He explained that he had acquired the degree while still a manager to better understand his job. He also had six years of experience managing people in the retail industry and four years working at various roles in retail companies.  
Interview questions 
1 What do you perceive as your style of leadership?
2 What three skills do you think help you to be a leader?
3 Do you think motivating employees is important for a manager? If yes, how do you do it?
4 What your guiding principle as a leader?
5 How do you deal with conflict in the workplace?
Interview Answers
Regarding the style of leadership, the manager explained that he does not have a specific behavior or approach. Instead, he always bases his actions on the prevailing conditions. In this regard, he explained that there are some situations that might require employee input. Others may need effective communication to ensure everyone is aware of the situation. Additionally, some situations may require the manager to encourage the employee, while others might just require letting the workers solve them without interfering. As such, he explained that due to the unpredictability of some of the circumstances at the job, he prefers flexibility as opposed to sticking to some defined approaches, which might not work in all the situations.
In the second question, the manager explained that the three skills he thought were useful to him as a manager were good communication, excellent knowledge of Market Basket, and his ability to adapt to changes. Good communication enabled him to describe his expectations and opinions to the subordinates in an accurate manner that enabled them to perform their job. Similarly, his excellent knowledge of his employing company enabled him to understand the various tasks and their importance to the organization. Moreover, he also explained that the knowledge included the names of his subordinates so that he was always aware of the people in charge of the different duties in the store.
The manager also explained that motivating workers was essential. He clarified that employees as people face different issues, both inside and outside work, that affect their morale. As such, he felt that as a manager, it was important to adopt various tactics that would help motivate the employees. He also explained that the strategies he had adopted were those outside the organization's policy. In this regard, he described various methods such as praising workers for excellent performance, engaging in constructive criticism, and farness. Praising workers was a way to show that while their actions may not earn them the promotion or a salary increase soon, their actions were recognized, and they should continue displaying such performance to achieve their goals at the company. Constructive criticism helped ensure that employees were aware of problems and how to fix them instead of being confused about how to complete their tasks. The manager also described fairness as showing no favoritism because it would create an unhealthy working environment for other workers.
The manager cited leading by example as the key principle that guided him in his job. He explained that he thought he could not expect others to strive towards excellence if he did not do so. As such, he sought to perform his duties in a way...
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