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Business & Marketing
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"Big Five" Personality Dimensions. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should have the following sections:

1.Introduction. State the topic of the essay, what you will be arguing, and how you have structured the essay.

2. Identify and discuss the "Big Five" personality dimensions. Engage with OB theory and literature to identify and discuss the Big Five personality dimensions. Use examples to clarify/support the discussion.

Use Organisational Behaviour concepts, theory and frameworks in addressing this section.

3. Utilise the theory of the “Big Five” personality dimensions and identify performance improvement areas. Based on the Big Five personality test(Click here to take the personality) test conducted in your workshops (Weeks 2 & 3)

identify two areas for self-improvement that may enhance your academic or work-related performance. Please use your personality assessment and Organisational Behaviour theories to logically explain and reach a conclusion.

4. Conclusion. Summarise key points made in the essay.

5. Reference list. You need to use the APA 6 referencing style.

Please include copies of the Big Five personality questionnaire and score with your Individual assignment. You can add an image of the same after your references list, please ensure the attachment is Legible and approved by your Workshop Facilitator.

As a general guide, sections 2 and 3 should be roughly equal in word count. The introduction and conclusion section should account for approximately 10% of the word count.

You MUST consult and reference a minimum of four (4) academic articles and two (2) books (of which one can be the recommend textbook, Wood et al, 2019) to support your analysis. We encourage number of required references. The minimum number equates to an acceptable level on the marking guide.

Recommended Readings : Which Personality Traits Are Most Important to Employers? : Entrepreneurs and “The Big Five”

We recommend you consider the following publications to identify relevant articles: Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Business Horizons, Harvard Business Review.

Length: The total length of the assignment is a maximum of 1,000 words (+/- 10%) (Reference list and title page are excluded from the word count)

Weighting: Due date: Submission:

20% of your total mark.

29th November2020 in Week 6 by 11:55pm

Submit via the Moodle . Hard copies are NOT required

Format: The document should be written as clear, concise essay. It is important that your essay has a logical flow and good structure, makes use of relevant subheadings where appropriate, and that you write using coherent, integrated text, avoiding grammatical and spelling mistakes. For reading (and marking) ease please use a 12-point Calibri font with 1.5x spacing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Big Five Personality Dimensions
Big Five Personality Dimensions
               Several pieces of research have suggested that behaviors and interaction styles influence successful teams and organizations around the globe among the team members. The suggestion, therefore, implies that individuals’ productivity in workplaces is determined by how they behave and interact with colleagues within the working environment. Also, studies have indicated that their personalities primarily influence people’s behaviors in different environments. Among the several characters that shape individuals’ behavior, openness to new experience, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism have been identified by several scholars as the significant factors for personalities. This paper shall, therefore, discuss how the five primary elements, also known as the “Big Five” traits, shape organizational behaviors within a team.
Discussion Big Five Personality Dimensions
               Organizational behavior (OB) theory, which is the study of how humans behave within an organization, is aimed at increasing the productivity of the organization (Greenberg, 2003). Organizational behavior theory not only focuses on individuals but also groups and how they interact with each other in an effort to understand the essence of individuals in such a setup is to bring out the best in them for the best interests of the company. In this manner, therefore, it is a multidisciplinary theory that incorporates other fields such as psychology and sociology. Understanding it is crucial in also understanding the bigger picture that is interpersonal relationships. The success of an organization, on the other hand, is therefore influenced by factors such as improved job performance, increased job satisfaction, innovativeness, and good leadership. The stated facets, however, are mainly dependent on the big five traits, as shown below.
Conscientiousness, which is the ability for an individual to control impulses and act within a set of rules in an organized manner, is vital towards attaining organizational success. This is because individuals with high conscientiousness are likely to persevere, work hard, and achieve their goals with lots of determination and forethought.
Openness to a new experience
Lerner, Lamb, and Freund (2010) describe openness to unique experience personality as the ability of an individual to have a profound mental imagination. It is the ability to do some experiments with traditions by embracing new ideas and trying them out. Not only does it help to make someone think broadly, but also in a more creative way. The power of an individual to have a profound mental vision is therefore essential in establishing organizational behavior as it is likely to improve innovativeness with an organization because it encourages individuals to explore and discover new things.
Social relationships and adjustment to challenges are some of the essential aspects that come with an extroversion personality (Jones, 2018). While one might loosely translate it as the ability to be loud and draw large crowds, the reality about extroversion lies in the inner personality of an individual. It is how these individuals interact and the impact they have on the people around them that now matters. Since interaction is critical in establishing a healthy organizational behavior, an individua...
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