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Negotiation Styles and Preferences of Cultural Groups

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview

Pack Your Bags: We Are Going Global!

Interpersonal communication has a direct effect on communications in general, and also at the negotiating table. That communication becomes even more important when negotiations include colleagues from different cultures. Cultural differences can create communication barriers; make it more difficult to interpret each other’s behaviors/nonverbal communications; and also influence both the form and the substance of bargaining. Therefore, let’s examine some of the personal and communication styles of various cultures.

Read the following article that takes us on a comparative journey between the West, the Latin countries, East Asia, and Middle East/South Asia, and how certain negotiation aspects are perceived respectively:

Brett J. M., Gunia, B. C., & Teucher, B. M. (2017). Culture and negotiation strategy: A framework for future research. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31(4), 288–308. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Using this information, as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case assignment. Pay special attention to the personal styles and preferences between the four cultural groups covered within the background article.

Case Assignment

Once you have read the assigned background article, as well as completed some peer-reviewed research of your own, answer the following:

How would you concisely summarize each of the negotiation styles and preferences of cultural groups discussed therein?

What specific personality attributes should you be aware of in each cultural group?

If you were to negotiate/bargain with colleagues from one of the cultural groups presented in the article, what practical points should you be sure to put into practice?

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references

As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.

Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least three references, and a minimum of two of these from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module 3 Case Assignment
Module 3 Case Assignment
Summary of the Negotiation Styles and Preferences of the Cultural Groups
Studies on culture and negotiation techniques reveal fascinating patterns of cultural disparities in the utilization and efficiency of negotiation tactics around the planet. Brett et al. (2017) evaluated how the West, Latin countries, East Asia, and Middle East/South Asia perceive and engage in negotiations and indicators or constructs that shape the cultures’ negotiation styles and preferences. Most importantly, the indicators of the questions and answers (Q&A) approach encompassed solving problems, collaborating, sharing information, and questions and answers regarding priorities and information. The Q&A tactic related to high joint and high trust benefits. On the other hand, the substantiation and offers (S&O) approach’s indicators incorporated undifferentiated offers, convincing arguments, influence strategies (such as threats, demand, and putdowns), emotional strategies, contending, punishment, appeals to sense, concession making, forcing, avoiding, and antagonistic conduct. The S&O tactic relates to low joint and low trust benefits. Brett and colleagues further recognized that trust and cultural tightness/looseness as the leading emotional constructs differing significantly between cultures and are relevant from the negotiation perspective. They suggested that the two constructs’ interaction offers a possible clarification of cultural variations in negotiation techniques.
Trust is vital in predicting how the four mentioned regions or cultures use the negotiation strategy. This is similar to emotions, which are also increasingly significant to nearly every life aspect, including negotiations (Griessmair, 2017). Negotiators believing that their colleagues will never utilize shared information concerning priorities and interests follow the Q&A strategy. Trust allows these negotiators to consent to the susceptibility integral to swapping such information. The study argues that trust fluctuates based on specific cultures. Middle East / South Asia and Latin cultures experience low trust. However, trust is high in the West and East Asian regions. The figures in the research showcase evidence that connections between a negotiation tactic and trust at the individual level indicate a positive Q&A approach but a negative S&O approach. These connections must be more adequate to demonstrate the regional cultural disparities in the negotiation strategy utilization and trust. Latin and East Asian cultures represent the anomalies. Moreover, the study proves that the somewhat high-trust East Asia personalities are vulnerable to S&O strategy, which relates to reduced trust in most studies. Also, some reduced-trust Latin cultures have negotiators majorly depending on the S&O approach. This is most evident in Spain and Mexico. On the other hand, negotiators from areas like Brazil depend mainly on the Q&A approach.
Furthermore, cultural tightness/looseness differs significantly across the West, Latin nations, East Asia, and Middle East/South Asia. A tight culture is one whereby the social behavior norms in several circumstances are clear, pervasive, defined, and sanctioned (Gelfand et al., 2011). However, a loose culture has less pervasive social norms and less strict behavior due to inadequately structured sanctioning and social monitoring. East Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East are culturally tight, but the West and Latin countries have loose cultures. The Western cultures, relative to the other world regions, is high-trust and can engage in negotiations confidently. The Latin region experiences low trust, and its cultures are loose, implying ineffectiveness in negotiation styles. While East Asia records high trust evidence, South Asia and the Middle East have low trust experiences. Brett et al. (2017) illustrated cultural negotiation approach prototypes by cultural tightness/loos...
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