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Elements of Principled Negotiation and Application to Workplace Conflicts

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview

Choosing a method to approach negotiations is not always easy. It is important to have an awareness of the options that exist. Sometimes, a collaborative approach is best, especially when it serves the purpose of mutual gains for both sides. In that case, other considerations and emotions must be put aside to reach the outcome that is desired.

Principled negotiation is an interest-based approach which focuses on conflict management/conflict resolution. A mutually shared outcome is sought, with the goal of “win-win” vs. “win-lose.” Both parties are encouraged to come together in a collaborative way to share and explore the deeper interests underlying their stated positions. The background readings and Case allow you to explore this method, its advantages, and its limitations.

Case Assignment

For this Module’s Case, begin by reading the following:

Joosr Ltd. (2016). A Joosr Guide to... Getting to yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury: Negotiating agreement without giving in. Joosr. Available in the Trident Online Library, EBSCO database.

Nicholas T. (2006). Principled negotiations wanted...Glenda Alexander, ’Negotiating from a position of interests rather than claims’, Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand (p29). Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 12(10), 3.

Zhang, S., & Constantinovits, M. (2018). Development of a conceptual model and questionnaire of principled negotiation. Business Communication Research and Practice 1(2), 70-76. https://www(dot)e-bcrp(dot)org/archive/view_article?pid=bcrp-1-2-70

Using this information, as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case assignment by answering the following:

1. Concisely summarize the four major points of principled negotiation. How could each point be specifically applied to a workplace conflict?

2. What would make this approach most effective in a negotiation? What types of negotiation would this not be advisable for?

3. Describe the advantages and the limitations in using principled negotiation – be as specific as you can in both.

Assignment Expectations

1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.

2. Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references.

3. As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you are responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.

4. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least three references, and a minimum of two of these from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources:


5. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Principled Negotiation and Practical Applications
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Professor's Name
Due Date
The principled negotiation approach remains the dominant formative negotiation method globally. It is also widely employed in international negotiation for conflict resolution and dispute management. Principled negotiation is more effective than win-lose outcomes or positional bargaining approaches. Since its initial development, principled negotiation has been employed in different dimensions of dispute management, including decision support, social work, and conflict resolution (Zhang & Constantinovits, 2018). It is an interest-based approach that emphasizes conflict resolution or conflict management. Principled negotiation is tailored to seek a mutually beneficial outcome as both parties are encouraged to collaborate to share and explore the interests that underlie their assumed positions. This paper summarizes the four primary points of principled negotiation and their application to workplace conflicts, the rationales for being the most effective negotiation approach, and areas where it is not applicable. Lastly, the paper evaluates the limitations and advantages of the principled negotiations approach.
Elements of Principled Negotiation and Application to Workplace Conflicts
The four elements of principled negotiation include separating people from problems, focusing on interests instead of positions, generating alternatives for mutual merits, and applying objective criteria (Joosr Ltd., 2016). Regarding separating the individuals from the issue, principled negotiation recognizes that strong emotions can undermine the ability to see the significant issues within the negotiation process, thus complicating the entire interaction. Within principled negotiation, the parties are committed to addressing their personality as well as emotional problems authentically and distinctively from the issues at hand (Shonk, 2023). For instance, when two departmental leaders engage in a heated debate concerning the allocation of resources, they will likely have to experience higher levels of emotional instability that underlie the disagreement. Such a problem can only be solved via authentic listening and other effective communication approaches. This element aims to achieve a better and more effective understanding of the different parties' concerns rather than to win the argument.
The second element relates to focusing on interests rather than positions. Negotiations are likely to waste time disputing over what should win or attempting to establish a compromise between the two interests they have at stake. In this vein, principled negotiation allows negotiators to examine the issue beyond such hard-and-fast positions and emphasize the motivations, wants, or needs underlying the divergent interests. For example, two managers can disagree on where to hold a new technology solution launch event. While one manager prefers the organization premises, the other wants the company to organize the event in a public venue (Shonk, 2023). In this vein, the managers should establish their deeper motivations, and with the comprehension of the respective parties' interests, they can conduct an investigation to establish which venue can best serve the product launch needs, including subsequent uptake in the community.
The third element of principled negotiation entails investing in options in order to achieve mutual gain. In this context, negotiators devote substantial magnitudes of their time to brainstorming diverse alternative solutions before electing the ideal one. An example at the workplace can involve a work negotiation whereby the applicant places a higher value on better remuneration, whereas the employer focuses on achieving full staffing. In this case, the candidate may demonstrate a willingness to concede during weekends in return for the promised higher remuneration package (Shonk, 2023). Lastly, principled negotiation is anchored on leveraging objective criteria. It is common for the negotiating parties to engage in heated arguments concerning whose "facts" are correct, leading to an inefficient compromise. In principled negotiation, the parties depend on an objective basis – an autonomous and just cause – to address their disagreements. For example, conflicting departmental heads in an organization can agree to adhere to standards set by industry protocol, laws, expert opinion, and mark...
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