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Nation-State and United Nations Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Address the following:

1) Briefly describe the relationship between the concept of the Nation-state and the United Nations. (1 paragraph)

2) Read the following article - https://www(dot)cidob(dot)org/en/publications/publication_series/opinion/seguridad_y_politica_mundial/coronavirus_between_the_global_and_the_national

Briefly discuss the author's arguments regarding the impact of the Pandemic on the nation-state. What did students in the sync sessions come up with? (2-3 paragraphs)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Reemergence of Nation-State
[date]A nation-state is in existence when a particular group of people in a land shares the same cultural aspects and has sovereignty. People can share the same language, belief, custom, religion, and ethnicity, and at the same time, exercise sovereign practices like political governance (Meyer, Boli, Thomas, & Ramirez, 1997). United Nations, on the other hand, is not necessarily particular nations that come together. Instead, it is a group of countries that acknowledges national identities and cultural diversity. It is a non-government organization, thus, uniting nations and not government entities (Simma, 1995). The rise of the united nations and other international organizations is an attempt to globalize and connect nationalities politically. As nation-states started to open up to others through economic exchanges, non-government organizations like the united nations act as the regulator of interdependence communication (Morillas, 2020).
2.As the coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world, health measures are strategized and implemented by each country's governments. There are calls to close borders on external affairs to contain the spread of the virus. Some countries apply strict measures such as mass testing, contact tracing, and relief distribution to ensure people will stay at home with necessary needs (Evans, 2020). Amid the busy world that tries to flatten the curve, some leaders are using the situation to mobilize their political agenda. In some countries, instead of implementing a well-structured, scientifically- and data-based plan, leaders are putting people under solutions that do not primarily address the pandemic.
In Morallis (2020) article, he discusses the reemergence of nation-states because of the pandemic. His implication says that the coronavirus pandemic has had the nation-states go back to their sovereignty to add...
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