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A Letter to an Executive (Business & Marketing Essay)

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A Letter to an Executive
A Letter to an Executive
I am writing to request for a meeting to discuss my insightful ideas on how I can help your UBER Company meet its goals and objectives. Specifically, I wish to discuss three key points, which are:
* Use of word-of-mouth (WOM)
* Using influentials in product diffusion and
* How to identify and target influentials.
I believe investing in these three key areas can potentially help your UBER Company to meet its set goals and realize maximum success in its operations. To begin with, word-of-mouth (WOM) is increasingly becoming a reliable and trusted marketing tool in the current technological world. Evidently, consumers today tend to believe WOM from family and friends more before deciding to purchase a product or service and therefore this plays a big part in consumer spending (Haenlein & Libai, 2017). Through WOM, a company’s sales can be increased and its advertisement amplified both to the online and offline consumers. With this knowledge, the UBER company can therefore consider managing its WOM programs as a way of enhancing profits. This is particularly important for this company which heavily relies on customer reviews to attract more potential customers. Through creating WOM programs, the company can acquire more loyal customers who will ensure UBER’s long-term profitability.
Almost similar to WOM, is the issue of using influentials in product diffusion. Accordingly, influentials are those customers who help in influencing other people to adopt a given product or service thereby causing the product to be sold or adopted widely. UBER in its efforts to introduce new services to its customers, can consider using influential customers to ensure success. Ideally, the company can specifically target customers that have the capability to influen...
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