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Project Business Case : Uber Tour (Business & Marketing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Project Business Case : Uber Tour

Continue work on the Business Case :Uber Tour project you did on #00112288.

There are something you need to add.

Costs and Benefits

It is important to quantify (at a high level) the financial benefits of the project, short-term and long- term, in the business case. This is usually done in the form of a cost/benefit analysis. The purpose is to illustrate the high-level anticipated expenses for the project and the potential return on investment to the organization.

• Project Expense Breakdown

o Discuss the estimated project expenses (internal and external,) hardware, software, equipment, material, supplies, construction, and other project-related costs that will be incurred.

• Project Benefits Breakdown

o Discuss the tangible and intangible benefits to be derived form the success completion of the project. For each of the tangible benefits listed, explain the estimated profit/savings and how the estimates were arrived at. For the intangible benefits, explain the favorable impact that the successful completion of the project will have on the organization, its workforce, other stakeholders, and its brand.

You Do need to estimate costs and benefits for your project. For costs, it is best to provide a table with categories. As far as benefits go, as yours will be economic, an estimate of annual revenues over a period of time after implementation would be need. You could say "we'll generate $X over $Y years" or provide a brief table displaying estimates on a year-by-year basis for a period of time. Generally, a three to five year time frame is a good idea.

The costs and benefits numbers are vital. You can qualitatively state your project will be a big success and should be approved. You’ll find investors or those within organizations responsible for projects will insist upon numbers for projects done for economic benefit reasons. That’s because they have to evaluate many projects and are expected to select those which will provide the highest returns. You aren’t expected to develop an ROI calculation for the business case, just the cost and benefit data.

PS: There is an example of the project stages, you might considered in the doc attachment.

Make sure the company has $400,000 Budget. And get the remainder around 20%.

Make sure you do your own work, it will submit on the Turnitin.

Submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Business Case: Uber Tour
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Project Business Case: Uber Tour
Critical Success Factors
Uber is a technology that has disrupted the way people request for transport services. Several critical success factors can assist Uber in enhancing its market share and promoting tourism. One of the main essential elements that can guarantee business success is ensuring that the Uber Tour service can be accessed without clients incurring extra costs. Moreover, there is a need to ensure that stakeholders are satisfied by enhancing the service's value. With millions of people using Uber across the world, Uber Tour will serve an already existing market, which can potentially increase customer loyalty and attract new ones. However, success with the proposed Uber Tour service must be accompanied by strong technical support and comprehensive business model execution. The goal is to offer customers effective services and prompt answers to their queries whenever needed.
Cost and Benefits
Since Uber is an existing technology, the costs of implementing the Uber Tour functionality can enhance shareholder value and promote customer experience. Within a particular locality, tourists can efficiently utilize the Uber Tour planning functionality to identify restaurants, booking services, and identify sites to visit. This can reduce extra costs that they would have incurred for hiring tour guides. The budget for implementation is also fairly low, considering that it is a global service. Notably, the benefits and value that shareholders can potentially enjoy are high. When we weigh the costs against the benefits, the benefits are more and can si...
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