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Assignment Choice #1: MBTI Assessment Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Choice #1: MBTI Assessment Outcomes
Discuss and analyze the MBTI outcomes for yourself and for your teammates. Based on the MBTI insights, consider:
How you might improve your working relationships with your teammates.
What, if any, changes you may want to make in your team (roles, duties, responsibilities, composition, or other factors).
What, if any, changes you could make in your own interactions and behaviors to increase the effectiveness of your team in its project mission.
Your paper should be 3-4 pages long, follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, contain concepts from the reading materials, and apply to reality-based scenarios. Be sure to incorporate your insights and analysis of the materials and your experiences in order to provide an original and thoughtful paper. You may wish to review the grading rubric found on the Course Information page to see the criteria that will be used to evaluate your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

MBTI Assessment Outcomes
Student’s Name
MBTI Assessment Outcomes
Personality tests play an important role in helping us interact with others and also understand ourselves. Through personality tests, we get to understand our weaknesses and strengths and thus move towards becoming whole rounded individuals. In addition, it can also inform our career choices since we get to know what we are best at. Employers can also use such tests to hire candidates that fit the job requirements. According to Weber (2015), companies are resorting to using personality assessments to hire suitable candidates. The author also notes that fewer firms are willing to consider hiring candidates who do not measure up. Given that personality tests such as MBTI help one understand their weaknesses and strengths, one has the opportunity to change their behaviors and interactions for the better.
I took the MBTI test, and my results show that I belong to the group ESFP (Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving). I agree with the results of the test particularly because I consider myself outgoing. I love interacting with people, and I am always full of energy. Therefore, I think the test outcomes describe best my personality. According to the outcome, I am impulsive and spontaneous in nature, and I also love to entertain. People belonging to the ESFP category also love social gatherings. We are also attracted to new fashions, ideas, and gadgets. We also tent to look for affirming from other people. Another major feature of ESFP personality types is that they see life as full of opportunities and possibilities. I am people’s person, and these characteristics describe my personality significantly well. Therefore, I am in agreement with the outcomes of the test.
The results show that I score highly in extroversion. I consider myself an extrovert because I tend to spend a lot of time with others. As such, I gain energy from interacting with other people rather than from within. I make friends easily and also like working with other people because I believe we learn a lot through such interactions. Introversion is not a something I would want to change. I love spending time with people. This, however, does not mean that I do not need my alone time. When working on personal projects, I would prefer some alone time in quiet place.
The results also showed that I scored highly in intuition. This m...
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