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Leadership Challenges At Hewlett Packard

Essay Instructions:

Read the case, “LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES AT HEWLETT-PACKARD: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS.” Write an analysis of the case and a recommendation that addresses the central issue of the case. Your analysis should synthesize the case and should contain the facts and relevant information associated with the case. This is not a summary or retelling of the case but a critical assessment of the case. You may use examples from the case as evidence to support your analysis. Your analysis will form the basis for the recommendation you make.

There is no specific format for this assignment, but please clearly label your Analysis portion and your Recommendation portion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Challenges at Hewlett-Packard
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The case titled Leadership Challenges at Hewlett-Packard: Through the Looking Glass sheds light on varying issues Hewlett-Packard (also known as HP) has been facing regarding their election of executives. One of these executives is supposed to work as the CEO of the company. Another problem is that the corporate strategy of the board is not considered reliable. Basically, this case outlines the issues the company is having because of their chosen CEOs, ineffective and questionable corporate strategies, and of course, the consistent resignation of CEOs due to undisclosed reasons.
After analyzing this case carefully, I have found that the board of Hewlett-Packard does have a definite corporate strategy. The board members seem to be aware of the problems the company is facing at this stage. They are skilled and experienced enough to choose or elect a reliable CEO. However, they should consider a couple of things before making the final decision. First of all, they can hire someone for the position of a CEO temporarily, probably for three to four months, in order to evaluate their performance and decide whether this CEO would benefit the company in the long run or not. Secondly, they should conduct interviews of as many eligible candidates as is possible for them. It does not look like they have been able to find a suitable or perfect person for this position so far despite the fact that all of the board members are experienced, skilled and capable of accomplishing this task in a short time.
If the board of Hewlett-Packard understands how skilled and experienced a person should be in order to be electe...
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