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Humanities: Reasons To Create Artifacts Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Why Create Artifacts

There are many reasons why people create artifacts. This learning block offers some common reasons and challenges for us to consider additional ones.

For example, a Native American chief may ask a woman in the community to weave a ceremonial basket. From the woman’s point of view, she is creating this artifact for many reasons: to fulfill a request, to make something pleasing to others in the community, to serve a religious or spiritual presence, perhaps to earn merit that will result in economic advantages.

Another example: A boy who lives on an isolated island comes across some empty steel drums that once contained oil. When he taps them, they produce pleasing tones. Soon, he straps them together to create a musical instrument. In addition, he composes tunes he can play for his neighbors. The first reason for doing this could be a natural curiosity and desire to explore. A second reason could be the discovery that he could make something beautiful out of found objects. A third reason could be the encouragement, praise, and higher status he received in the village as a musician and composer.

Can you think of other reasons to create artifacts? After participating in this learning block, you will be able to:

Discuss potential motives for the creation of artifacts

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Reasons to create artifacts
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May 14, 2019
Reasons to create artifacts
People create artifacts out of many reasons. Besides creativity, there are other different motives that drives individuals to creating useful artifacts (Carolyn, L. 2019). For instance, a person working at sea shore as a beach attendant might create ornaments using sea shells with an aim of expressing his identity. This is because ornaments and accessories made of sea shells are rare and they have the ability to express individual’s personality. Wearing such ornaments will communicate a unique message where by majority will be able to understand that the individual is a beach attendant. Therefore, it is correct to highlight that artifacts could be made with an objective of highlighting individual’s or a community’s identity.
Studies highlight that individuals create artifacts to put their imaginations into physical object (Owen, F. 2007). This is achieved by creativity where by people collect objects and start creating objects copying from what is running in their minds. For instance, an ind...
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