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Impacts of Marketing Elements on Organizational Marketing

Essay Instructions:

Before completing this assignment, make sure to read Chapter 5.

Retail and organizational markets have much in common but there are differences. Address the marketing elements listed below in terms of how each might be different in organizational markets and in more detail how that difference might impact the marketing plan and execution of an organizational marketer.

Emotion in the buying process (more or less important?)

Complexity of the buying process (number of people involved, written process and specifications, etc.)

After-the-sale service and support (more or less important?)

Advertising (more or less important?)

Market research (more or less important?

Requirements for this assignment series:

Please note that submissions not meeting the minimum requirements defined below will not be evaluated and a grade of zero will be entered. Assignments must be submitted on time to receive a grade.

The minimum length of the assignment is 500 words, not counting the cover page, cited material or the bibliography. This is a minimum only, and "A" level papers will usually have a word count in the area of 650-850 words.

At least two cited references are required and cited material must be identified by quotation marks within the body of the paper and linked to the source using APA citation format.

A cover page with your name, the assignment title, and the date of submission should be included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impacts of Marketing Elements on Organizational Marketing
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Organizational marketing is the main drive in making decisions concerning all marketing areas within an organization which mainly influences products, marketing channels, prices, physical distributions, and product promotion (Radhika, 2018). Different marketing elements play a major role in influencing the ability of a marketing manager to make healthy marketing decisions that are essential in the execution of the outlines marketing plans. Different organizational markets are influenced differently by the marketing elements that result in different outcomes in relation to the marketing strategies applied. The discussion herein provides an understanding of how different marketing elements influence different organizational markets and the decision-making process and ability of an organizational marketer in an organization. The major marketing elements addressed include the emotion in the buying process, after-the-sale services and support, advertising, and marketing research which mainly influences how an organizational marketer executes his/her marketing strategies.
Different organizational marketing strategies the emotion of a buyer or customer during the buying process of a product or service. While designing an organizational market strategy, one has to consider the attitude and emotion of the buyer toward the product. At times, an organization may have an option of executing internal production of some products or services. However, before the execution of such a decision, the organization has first to consider the attitude of the customer or buyers toward that product or services (Kurtz, MacKenzie, & Snow, 2009). This step helps in making the right marketing decisions which enhance the marketability of the produced products or services offered.
Organizational marketing is highly influenced by the complexity of the buying process, which is mainly influenced by the number of people involved in the buying process, written transaction processes, specifications of products, sales, and marketing terms and the dynamics in the marketing processes. The complexity of organizational marketing greatly depends on the complexity of the buying process. The processes address issues concerning the demands made by the customers to determine whether they are ethical or not. The purchasing agreements between suppliers and the organizational customers are defined on either long-term or short-term contract which creates an informal relationship between the marketing organization and the customer.
After-the-sale services and support is an essential marketing element that influences different forms of organizational markets and implementation of the marketing plan. For instance, a best practice advisor in an organizational marketing sector provides the organization with best internal and external business practices such as offering after-sale services as the best organizational marketing approach. As the business organization expertise its marketing goals, such services are essential in helping the ...
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