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Laudon & Laudon (2021) state “The Internet and Internet technology make it possible to move from sequential supply chains…to concurrent supply chains.” (p.380). Given this statement, critically assess how companies effectively make use of available technologies to efficiently manage their supply chains and provide a superior value proposition to their customers. Your answer should also consider any potential or actual associated difficulties and/or issues.

Essay Instructions:
Laudon & Laudon (2021) state “The Internet and Internet technology make it possible to move from sequential supply chains…to concurrent supply chains.” (p.380). Given this statement, critically assess how companies effectively make use of available technologies to efficiently manage their supply chains and provide a superior value proposition to their customers. Your answer should also consider any potential or actual associated difficulties and/or issues.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
How Companies Effectively Make Use of Available Technologies to Efficiently Manage Their Supply Chains Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date How Companies Effectively Make Use of Available Technologies to Efficiently Manage Their Supply Chains Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc164959223 \h 3Findings PAGEREF _Toc164959224 \h 3Analysis of the Statement PAGEREF _Toc164959225 \h 3Evaluation of Technology in Supply Chains PAGEREF _Toc164959226 \h 5Value Proposition Analysis PAGEREF _Toc164959227 \h 7Challenges and Issues PAGEREF _Toc164959228 \h 9Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc164959229 \h 10References PAGEREF _Toc164959230 \h 11 Introduction Laudon and Laudon (2021) purport that the Internet and Internet technologies have helped companies change from sequential to concurrent supply chains. The statement is construed to show that technology has revolutionized supply chain management. Particularly, embracing technology has led to a shift from the traditional sequential planning, also referred to as the waterfall approach, which follows a linear and step-by-step progression, to a more dynamic and collaborative approach. In traditional sequential planning, processes occur in phases, and progression only happens after a previous phase is completed. On the contrary, concurrent planning is more dynamic and collaborative, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability in a given situation. The transition is beneficial, considering concurrent planning fosters cross-functional collaboration, real-time communication, and early issue detention, all necessary for swift resolution. Bearing this in mind, the paper will start by critiquing the assertion by Laudon and Laudon, examine how companies leverage technology in their supply chain management to improve a company's customer value proposition, and identify potential challenges associated with the digitalization of supply chain management. Findings Analysis of the Statement The assertion by Laudon and Laudon states that technology has led to notable transformations in supply chain management as companies have moved from traditional sequential chains to concurrent supply chains. According to Gholizadeh-Tayyar et al. (2018), the statement suggests that companies are abandoning sequential supply chains where material and information flow sequentially from one organization to another. On the other hand, adopting concurrent supply chains has been a game changer since information flows in several directions simultaneously among all members of a supply chain network. The bigger picture regarding adopting technology in supply chain management is that the Internet has helped create a digital logistic nervous system. The system is vital since it permits multidirectional and simultaneous information communication regarding participants’ orders, inventories, and capacities. The move is one among the various impacts of technology on business operations, with most companies aligning themselves to a future of Internet-driven operations. The need to adopt the Internet in supply chain management is based on the fact that it results in a streamlined supply chain, reduced supply chain cost, communication of accurate information, and increased sales due to accurate product availability. Keskin (2022) expounds on this by arguing that the shift by businesses to technology-enhanced supply chain management has had significant implications, especially in facilitating efficient customer response. As a result, the working of businesses is driven by customer demands, which is a true depiction of supply chains being more pull-based than push-based. Further examination of how the Internet has changed supply chains shows that companies using technology-based supply chains report significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These benefits result from multiple processes running concurrently, resulting in reduced lead times, potentially reduced cost, and improved responsiveness to market changes. Nonetheless, businesses need to understand the effectiveness of a concurrent supply chain is not guaranteed, and they have to be careful in process coordination to avoid possible conflicts. The benefits of concurrent supply chains have led to most organizations' notable adoption of this strategy. Walmart and Dell Computer Corporation are among the companies that are enjoying the benefits of shifting from sequential to concurrent supply chains. According to Kuang et al. (2016), the modern-day business environment is characterized by the adoption of Information Technology (IT) in supply chain management techniques. The Internet has been crucial in this advancement, resulting in strategic coordination and enhanced links between production and marketing techniques to ensure customer satisfaction. Dell’s use of technology-led supply chains is apparent in that the company sells directly to its consumers. Therefore, its products go through shorter supply channels. The direct selling technique has been vital as it helps the company critically examine how profitable its marketing segment is, hence helping in accurate demand forecasts. Similarly, Walmart’s supply chain is technology-oriented. Adopting the Internet in its supply chains has helped overcome some supply chain management issues. As a result, the company can maintain a low inventory level and meet consumer demands. Evaluation of Technology in Supply Chains Digitalization has resulted in significant transformations in almost every sector, with the biggest impact in the logistics and manufacturing segments. In the article “Optimizing supply chain through Internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI)”, Singh et al. (2021) elaborate on this occurrence by opining that companies are standing on the edge of elevated product complexity, growing globalization, and ever-changing consumer demands. Therefore, adopting technology in supply chains is almost inevitable if companies are to enjoy the benefits associated with technological transformations. For example, during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, businesses were on the verge of collapse following an imbalance between demand and supply (Castka et al., 2020b). This situation affected supply chain management globally, which elevated the need for companies to embrace tech-led supply chain management to assist them in handling the challenges. Besides, with companies now being excessively cautious regarding an unpredictable future, researchers argue that most businesses will likely invest in intelligent supply chain optimization using technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain to help them with the real-time supply chain as well as advanced analytical solutions. The Internet of Things (IoT)...
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