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Interest rates/bond yield curve

Essay Instructions:
This week’s we spent a bit of time learning about interest rates/bond yield curve. The difference in yields for dissimilar maturities demonstrates markets’ response to the supply and demand for loanable funds and assessment of risks associated with liquidity, inflation, risk of default, etc. These models foretell that yield on longer term maturities tend to be higher than the yield on short term yields, giving the yield curve is usually upward sloping form. So, How can interest rates be negative? How can markets experience an inverted yield curve? What is behind low interest rates (flat yield curve), as we now experience, for such an extended period of time? Board of Governors. (.). The Federal Reserve System Purposes & Functions. Federal Reserve System. Retrieved from https://www(dot)federalreserve(dot)gov/aboutthefed/pf.htm Board of Governors. (October 21, 2020). Beige Book. Federal Reserve System. Retrieved from https://www(dot)federalreserve(dot)gov/monetarypolicy/beigebook202010.htm Greenwood, R., & Scharfstein, D. S. (2012). How to Make Finance Work. Harvard Business Review, 90(3), 104–110. Vikram Haksar and Emanuel Kopp. (March 2020). Back to Basics: How Can Interest Rates Be Negative. International Monetary Fund Finance and Development. Mankiw, N. G. (2020). The puzzle of low interest rates: Economic view. New York Times Online.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Interest Rates/Bond Yield Curve Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Interest Rates/Bond Yield Curve Interest Rates/Bond Yield Curve The yield curve visually represents the cost of borrowing money for different timeframes. It depicts the interest rates on U.S. Treasury bonds across various maturities. The curve serves as a key economic indicator by reflecting expectations for future interest rates, economic growth, and inflation (Reserve Bank of Australia, 2024). It has different shapes which are influenced by factors such as the cash rate and market uncertainties. Its normal, inverted, or flat shapes signal different economic conditions, with historical correlations to economic expansions and contractions. Additionally, the yield curve plays a vital role in transmitting monetary policy and impacts banks' profitability, making it a focal point for economic analysis and financial market assessments. Negative Interest Rates Interest rates can be negative when inflation outpaces returns on savings or loans. This situation arises when the real interest rate becomes negative (Haksar & Kopp, 2022). While interest rates have been historically positive even during inflation times, central banks in various countries, including the European Central Bank and those of Sweden, Denmark, Japan, and Switzerland, have begun experimenting with negative rates to combat economic stagnation post-2008 financial crisis. While it encourages spending and investment, this policy also poses challenges such as potential impacts on bank profitability and the risk of incentivizing savers to withdraw cash from banks (Haksar & Kopp, 2022). Despite these concerns, low interest rates have become increasingly common, driven by factors such as demographic shifts, wea...
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