100% (1)
3 pages/≈825 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 14.58

Individual assignment

Essay Instructions:
Various countries, companies and individuals around the world have been dealing with the lingering impacts of the global pandemic. A very recent example of a industry level crisis in the March 2023 failure of SVB Silicon Valley Bank used by many VCs. In 750-1000 words and using APA format, explain how has one of the main INDUSTRIES of your Team Innovation been affected by the pandemic or other (related or not) crises? Understanding innovation at the industry level is an important principle in our course. This assignment emphasizes identifying, focusing on and briefly analyzing pandemic-related key changes in one of the key industries of your Team Innovation. Visit the APA website https://apastyle(dot)apa(dot)org or BU Library for additional information on how to do APA style and format. Regarding the structure, here are some guidelines and recommendations: Required / Counts as part of word count / Optional (1) Title page (should list the course, Boston University, your name, Professor name, title of the paper, assignment # etc) (Required) (2) Abstract – or – Executive Summary as appropriate for the course (optional) (3) Table of contents (optional) (4) Introduction (including your main thesis statement) (Required and counts as part of word count) (5) Main body (separated by headers and sub-headers where appropriate) (Required and counts as part of word count) (6) Summary/Conclusions (all the key points and conclusions summed up nicely in a paragraph) (Required and counts as part of word count) (7) Tables, diagrams or figures (optional but integrated into the main text when used) (optional) (8) References (on its own page) (Required) ***(Include AT LEAST 5 credible, clickable references from trustworthy and excellent sourcesm meaning NOT from Wikipedia or blogs or from just using different pages of the same website) NOTE: DO NOT use academic references as part of your core references because academic references on not recommended for this type of paper for our course as we do our reading from our textbooks and from recent articles in the business media, not from the academic literature (9) Appendices (if you have them, each on its own page) (optional) BE SURE TO CONNECT YOUR INDUSTRY TO YOUR TEAM INNOVATION IN THE PAPER:) BE SURE TO USE COURSE CONCEPTS IN THE PAPER:) Guidelines as explained on the course syllabus: Your Individual Paper (25%): Students will be required to submit an individual paper approximately 750-1000 words responding to a designated question or questions. Each paper should adhere rigorously to the course and university ethical preparation and referencing guidelines. Papers should consist of original work and argumentation prepared by the student submitting the paper. The word count excludes citations, restatement of the assignment, cover sheet, and any tables or diagrams. • The instructions for the assignment on our course portal should be carefully followed. • The paper should be a Word document submitted as an attachment through the BU system. • Use relevant course concepts and terminology in your analysis demonstrating mastery of foundational course concepts from our textbooks and readings throughout the semester • Word limit guidelines and reference requirements will be enforced. • Each paper should be supported by at least five distinct, credible, clickable reference (e.g. not from blogs or not directly from Wikipedia—Wikipedia can be used for background but should not be directly cited, as its credibility rests on the underlying references, and those are the references to cite following your direct consultation of those references). • All papers should follow the standard APA guidelines and should follow the paper preparation and content overview template provided. • Each paper should be the unique and original work of the student submitting the paper. Topics should have enough information online to be researchable. The team assignments are designed for developing innovation equivalent to a start-up firm experience, while the individual paper broaches questions in relation to documentable and researchable existing firms or industries. It is crucial to show your understanding and application of our COURSE CONCEPTS. Also note that our course emphasizes industry level understandings and global perspectives in addition to firm level. Business innovation occurs by individuals or teams, within firms, at the industry level, in designated nations. Be analytical, innovative, original, unique and very focused in your paper, while supporting your arguments with appropriate facts, references and in text citations. Appendixes and diagrams are allowed but not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare and Technology Industry Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Course Name Instructor’s Name Date Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare and Technology Industry The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly caused significant effects on almost all industries and the wellness of individuals. The pandemic, for example, led to a rise in mortality rates, global inflation, and a deteriorated global economy. The outbreak of this pandemic entirely altered the world since the economy was affected by the wide range of lockdowns and declined consumer spending. Healthcare was the most substantially affected industry, where the death rates skyrocketed, mental health issues surged, and increased spending on medical equipment. Healthcare and technology, one of the main industries of our Team Innovation, has been strongly hit by the pandemic. Hence, this paper reflects on how this industry has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare supply chain disruption, an influx of deaths, technological innovations, medical professionals, doctors, and nurses being massively hit by the pandemic, improved telemedicine services, and slowed pharmaceutical industry growth are ways the pandemic affected the healthcare and technology industry. The pandemic interrupted the healthcare supply chain. Notably, supply deficiencies across personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical devices caused a volatile marketplace further complexed by cases of fraud, low-quality suppliers, and price gouging (Burrill et al., 2020). However, a "control tower" approach can assist healthcare leaders in effectively controlling and managing their "end-to-end" supply chain in real time (Burrill et al., 2020). Unfortunately, effectively managing both short-term and long-term consequences of the changing healthcare supply chain comprises new skills, advanced technologies, and business processes. As various states commence to restart elective and nonemergent care, backlogs, and limited suppliers, PPE reallocation would affect the various operations of hospitals. Because of the cancellation or postponement of services, including cancer treatment, during the pandemic lockdown stage, it is possible to experience an influx of deaths in the coming months because of the cutoff of essential services or treatment. These are some unwanted implications that healthcare will encounter because of a lack of systems thinking in decision-making processes (Leite et al., 2020). Furthermore, too much focus on COVID-19 caused an influx of patients in mental health unities since more individuals are impacted due to substance misuse, unemployment, and physical illness. Such an influx of deaths an...
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