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Define and examine the concepts of validity and reliability. Analyze the relationship between these concepts and the measurement process.

Essay Instructions:
GRM597 THE RESEARCH PROCESS 1. Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. The structure is a multi-paragraph essay, clearly developed with effective transitions and solid topic sentences. 2. Student demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an analytical persuasive manner (i.e. graduate level). 3. Student was able to respond clearly and directly to the assignment in an academic manner with good development. The essay indicates a good understanding of the course content and supports its points with textual references. 4. Student demonstrated the use of critical thinking while making novel connections to outside materials and experiences. Analysis is fresh, posing new ways to think of the material. 5. Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc. Writing consistently adheres to A.P.A formatting. GRM597 - THE RESEARCH PROCESS: Writing Assignment 2 Define and examine the concepts of validity and reliability. Analyze the relationship between these concepts and the measurement process. TEXTBOOK: (S) Research Methods in Practice: Strategies for Description and Causation Dahlia K. Remler , Gregg G. Van Ryzin , 2022 Sage Publication
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reliability and Validity Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date Reliability and Validity In the research process, the legitimacy, significance, and correctness of findings depend on reliability and validity. Reliability, also known as precision, refers to the consistency in findings, while validity means that a test accurately measures what it is meant to measure/test. As of this understanding, the two should be considered in every research process since it is only then that the findings can be reliable and valid. Besides, researchers can always improve the integrity and validity of their findings by ensuring that their practices are based on the principles of validity and dependability. With this in mind, the paper will define and examine the concepts of reliability and validity as well as analyze their relationship and how they are measured. Definition and Examination of The Concepts of Validity and Reliability Reliability refers to the stability, consistency, and repeatability of research instruments. According to Remler and Ryzin (2022), reliability examines how easily research findings can be reproduced or repeated. Reliability means that if an instrument is used to make tests severally, the results should be the same. On the contrary, if the results differ, the instrument is unreliable and probably unrelated to the measured concepts. A good example of unreliable findings is when one uses a broken thermometer, which gives different results every time it is used in the same environment and under the same conditions. What is conceived from this is that reliability in research is crucial since the results should represent actual findings rather than result from chance or measurement mistakes. On the other hand, validity denotes that the test instrument being used accurately measures what it is meant to ...
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