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Kant's Categorical Imperative

Essay Instructions:
For the Module 1 SLP, please write a 2-3 page paper in which you address the following: Drawing upon deontological ethics, discuss a business ethics problem with which you have had personal experience. Keys to the Assignment: - Describe an ethical problem you have confronted in a business situation; - Describe the deontological implications of the ethical problem you have described; and - Describe how Kant's Categorical Imperative applies to your chosen business problem. Background: In the Module 1 SLP, you will be given requirements for structuring the papers you will write throughout your degree program. In this module, we will discuss the required format and and writing requirements of all future papers (Case and SLP). Required Reading: To begin, please review pages 1-7 (up to and including the section entitled “Body”) of the Trident University International Well-Written Paper guide. For Module 1, please disregard the last bullet point beginning “Support your points by citing…” as we will address end referencing and citation requirements in the Module 2 SLP. Then read pages 13 and 17 of the Well-Written Paperguide (“Conclusion” and “Helpful Formatting Tips” sections). In addition to reviewing the Well-Written Paper guide, I would like you to review Dr. Drummond McNaughton's excellent guide for writing high-quality papers: Dr. Drumm's Writing Tips. Please thoroughly review the Purdue Owl guidelines for writing papers. This websites provides a high-quality overview relating to such issues as writing mechanics and usage of grammar: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/section/1/ Assignment: For the Module 1 SLP, please write a 2-3 page paper in which you address the following: Drawing upon deontological ethics, discuss a business ethics problem with which you have had personal experience. Keys to the Assignment: - Describe an ethical problem you have confronted in a business situation; - Describe the deontological implications of the ethical problem you have described; and - Describe how Kant's Categorical Imperative applies to your chosen business problem. Assignment Expectations: Your paper will be evaluated on the following: - Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)? - Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject (i.e., the Keys to the Assignment) addressed? - Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references? - Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically (i.e., accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely)? - Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations? - Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages? - Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background reading and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation? - Application - Are the concepts of the module appropriately applied to the subject? For Module 1, do not be concerned with use of proper APA style (as we will be covering APA style in Module 2). Tips and Suggestions: 1) Your SLP will be graded on your ability to accurately state the deontological implications of the business ethics problem you have identified, and to what extent the resolution of the problem is consistent with deontological ethics. *** Remember that there are no right or wrong answers here - as you will learn, deontology is not the only way to view a business ethics problem, but you must use sound logic in your assessment of the problem. 2) Your SLP will be graded on the extent to which you adhere to the TUI Well-Written Paperguidelines. Please be sure that your paper is formatted properly, and that you follow all guidelines (e.g., appropriate use of headings, margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spacing, etc.).
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Kant's Categorical Imperative
As a mobile electronics company, majority of the components that go into the devices are outsourced from other companies that specialize in the components and in most of the cases these are outside the country. One of the main issues that we have had in the recent past is child labour. With the current revolution of the world markets, one of the conditions that are considered as unethical is conducting business with companies that practice child labour. Most of the components that Martcom Limited used were imported by a company that was discovered to be using underage children to meet their labour demands. The said company intentionally recruited children under the age of 14 years through corrupt labour agencies in the country. The agency would organise for the fake documentation of the children so as to cover up. At the beginning of the year, there was a fire incident that led to the discovery of the child abusive trend. This led to cancelation of contracts with the company within five weeks of the incidence. Further Martcom worked aggressively with child protection agencies to make sure that the children were reunited with their families. The company was also forced to pay up the school fees of the children, until they clear high school.
Based on the deontological theories, every other person has their own rights as it is prescribed in the natural law. In the case of the importing company, they violated the rights of the children as they wanted to cash more and reduced expenses, given that the children were only paid enough for a day’s meal at the end of the day. It is the duty of any organisation to make sure that they have a robust human resource department that looks into the welfare of their workers (Illinois Institute of Technology, 2013)...
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