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Business Ethical Issues: Apple

Essay Instructions:
I It is best to select the company you work for as your real world situation to study. If you do not wish to do that, then please select a company you know something about. You will be thinking about how your company handles different moral problems. Please write a little bit about the company you will be working on II After you have selected a company to look at, identify a moral problem, something the company is working to correct. Every company has some kind of moral problem. Whether they face up to it or not is another matter. But they have problems. Find a simple one. It could be something as small as refusing to listen to minor safety claims, listening in on personal phone calls, strict dress codes, and the like. That might not seem like much, but it can be very important to the people concerned. SLP Expectations: Find a small problem and tell me what the utilitarian considerations are, and what rights (deontological considerations) are involved. This is more of practice to get set up. I want to know about the company you select and some small moral problem. Please write one or two pages and upload it to Coursenet by the end of this module. General Expectations Your paper should be double-spaced with 12-point font. Your paper should have a separate cover page and if you are using any in-text citations then a separate reference page. Use APA-style.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethical Issues
With its head quarters in Cupertino in California, Apple Inc is the second largest company in the realm of information technology, coming behind Samsung and Nokia. The company was founded back in the year 1976 and has grown to be a world renowned mobile company giant under the leadership of the late Steve Jobs. Currently the company CEO is Tim Cook, who took over after the death of the former CEO. The company boasts of the best music selling store the iTunes store, computers, iOS, monitors, Smart-Tvs, the iPod, iPhone and the iPad which is the latest innovation in the market. To satisfy the market demand the company has more than 70,000 employees that are employed on a permanent basis and an additional 3,000 who are employed on temporary basis all-over the world.
Like most other companies, this corporation has had its share of business moral issues. In a statement, Tim Cook said that the company cares about the workers whether they work on their premises or in the suppliers’. One of the ethical issues that have been on the limelight is that of auditing suppliers. A company cannot claim to be ethical while its suppliers are not. It is this reason that has forced the California giant to tighten the noose on the suppliers from the Asian continent. Several audits that have been carried out on the suppliers from china indicate that most of them do not respect the human rights, which puts Apple in a bad position as it tries to make its devices in the best humane conditions possible (Moore, 2011).
Child labour has been at the centre of the issue that Apple has been trying to deal with by sacking the companies that are found to be perpetrating the acts of abuse. By the year 2011, Apple had discovered that there were more than 90 children that were under the age of sixteen years ...
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