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Introduction and purpose statement

Essay Instructions:
Introduction and Purpose Statement First, using your topic of interest as a focus, complete Writing Exercise 2 on page 120 in Creswell and Creswell (2022), which reads, “Write a one-page introduction to a proposed study. Include one paragraph each for the research problem, the evidence from the literature, the deficiencies in the literature, and the audiences who will potentially find the study of interest". Second, write a purpose statement for research you might like to conduct within your area of interest. Use one of the scripts outlined in Chapter 6 (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), and be sure to consider how your statement may need to change based on your design. After the purpose statement, include 1-2 sentences about why you chose the direction for this fictional research. Be sure your assignment meets the following minimum requirements: 1 - 2 pages in length, not counting the cover page, reference list page, appendices, figures, or tables. Your assignment should be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook. A minimum of two peer-reviewed, timely references is required. An abstract is not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Introduction and Purpose Statement Student's Name Institution Course # and Name Professor's Name Submission Date Introduction to Proposed Study Research Problem The aviation industry has witnessed numerous transformations over the past decade and is among the fastest-growing means of transportation. Many business companies have ventured into this business, and airline access's geographical regions have expanded tremendously. However, this gradual evolution has led to pilot shortages and worries about the future of the aviation industry. Stakeholders are concerned about sustainability and profitability, given that nations have enacted strict regulations on the industry. This proposed study aims to explain the shortage of pilots, discuss the changing landscape of the aviation industry, and foreshadow the future role of pilots. Evidence from Literature Existing literature has delved into the issue of a declining workforce in the aviation industry. Probable reasons for pilot shortages are insufficient recruitment and training pipelines, high attrition rates, and changes in industry perceptions and work-life balance. Efthymiou et al. (2021) identified that a competitive salary, financially stable career, job security, and good work-life balance are necessary for pilot retention in the aviation industry. Caraway (2020) discussed the possibility of a 267% increase in commercial pilot demand by 2037 due to the aviation industry's centrality in enabling globalization and leisure activities, a necessity in convenient personal and business travel. Crouch (2020) discussed how airlines in the United States have been forced to include dramatic pay raises and cadet programs to retain pilots. Deficiencies in Literature There are notable areas for improvement in the litera...
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