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International Company Research: Cummins Inc

Essay Instructions:

Based on your research you conducted in Module 2, choose one item as your final project. Please note that you do not need to pay for anything (conferences, study abroad, etc.) in order to complete this assignment. There are plenty of things out there that you can do for this project that are free and local. Please do not let the illusion of cost keep you from completing this assignment. There are three different options with instructions below. Be certain to read the proper instructions and avoid getting them mixed up. For each of the options below, it would be a good idea to bring a copy of the questions with you to make sure they all get answered. (I chose option #3).

Of the three international companies you researched, choose one to research further. Connect with someone within the company who closely works with the international sector of the business. The higher up you go the better (manager, executive director, VP, etc.) as you will be able to get a broader understanding of the role. Conduct an interview of this individual (can serve in any role as long as it is an international role) using the questions below and then summarize the interview in a 3-5 page APA formatted paper.

For this option, you can use resources such as Linked-In, your own network of people in the workforce (parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters) or Google to get contact information for the individual you are targeting. Be sure you are courteous, professional, and respectful of their time. It is important to "do your homework" on the interviewee and company to make sure you know their background. Linked-In is a great resource to learn about a person's career. This option will be a rewarding experience to have an opportunity to interact with a professional and build your network. You may want to have a secondary option in case you are unable to schedule a suitable candidate for your interview.

Interview Questions: (you can certainly add to this list as time permits, but these questions MUST be asked for the interview)

Name of interviewee, title, years with company, years in current position, how got to position (education, work experience, etc.)

Please give me a brief description of your job. (What exactly do you do for this company?)

How many different countries are you responsible for dealing with on a regular basis?

Describe some global issues that you face in this position?

Would you say that conducting business on a global level is difficult, easy, or a combination?

How many different global markets are you responsible for?

How do you differentiate between all of your global markets in terms of marketing strategies?

Do you travel internationally for this position? If so how often? Describe your first international experience with this company.

What is your favorite thing about your current position? Least favorite?

What advice would you give to someone looking to hold a position like yours for a similar company?

Summarize this interview (essay style) into a 3-5 page APA style format paper complete with separate cover page and references and include the answers to the following questions below in your paper. Please note that your cover and reference pages do not count towards your page count.

Based on your interview, what is your view of the company your chose? Explain.

What new information did you learn about working for an international company?

What new information did you learn about conducting international business?

What was the most interesting thing you learned from your interviewee?

Based on this interview, would you want to pursue a career in international business or perhaps even start your own international company?

How do you feel this experience will help you become a global citizen?

Did this experience change what you thought about international business?

What more would you like to learn about this particular experience or international business in general?

Based on this experience, could you work for a global company as an expatriate? Why or why not?

What are your final thoughts about your experience and what advice would you give to someone thinking of working in international business?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Company Research
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
International Company Research
For this essay, I decided to connect with Thomas Linebarger, the Chairman and Chief Executive officer of Cummins Inc., an international maker of diesel engines. Before becoming the chairman and CEO, Thomas Linebarger started his career as an investment analyst and investment manager at an organization called Prudential Financial. He joined Cummins as an intern in 1993 and then decided to be a full time worker. During this time, he held a number of posts including product manager of the Fuel Systems plant. From 2012, he has served as chairman and CEO of Cummins. His former positions are executive vice president, president of Power Generation Business, vice president, chief financial officer and vice president of supply management.
The Chief Executive Officer is the highest ranking member of a company. Thomas Linebarger’s job involves, making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of Cummins Inc. and acting as a bridge between the Board of Directors and corporate operations. Additionally, the company serves its clients through 600 distributor facilities in more than 7,200 locations in over 190 countries. The main problem in dealing with a large customer base is the ever changing technology and emission regulations landscape (Cummins Inc., 2020). The company has invested millions in developing technology so as to meet various reduction deadlines. As years go by, more nations are addressing the air pollution and gas emissions that are caused by its products. Secondly, the advances in technology compel the company to produce more products in order to keep up with the increasing demand. In order to reduce emissions and keep up with the demand, the company is currently working on its Electrified Power Business Segment which started in 2017. Building up this project involves an investment of $500 million over a time period of 3 to 5 years. Cummins Inc. first electrified product will be a powertrain in GILLIG zero emissions transit buses. Linebarger, further states that the number of diesel applications the company currently serves will be electrified in future.
The CEO states that conducting business on a global level can be difficult at times. This is because: To begin with, the market in which it operates can be highly competitive. Intense competition means limited market share. Furthermore, the rising labor wages in the United States poses a threat to the company profits. Thirdly, the potential currency exchange losses negatively impact the company (Team, 2020). Fourthly, the Coronavirus has negatively impacted the company’s supply chain. Cummins Inc. had to shut down 6 of its operations in China. This move led to heavy losses although the CEO predicts that the company will eventually bounce back. Cummins is responsible for supplying 190 countries with its products through a network of complimentary business segments (Marketplace.cummins.com, 2020). The segments include: Engine, Power Systems, Component such as: Cummins Filtration, Turbo Technologies, Emission Solutions, Electronic and Fuel systems, Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologi...
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