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Human Resourses Business & Marketing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

listen to two cases and analyze what the concept is, also make your own opinion.

610: Hiring the Best People

Patty McCord, Netflix’s former Chief Talent Officer, sees hiring as constant matchmaking. Building a team of people that getsamazing work done, she says, requires managers to really know what they need, and for HR to actually understand theworkings of the business. She says money should not be the reason someone leaves and that we should stop using wordslike “poaching” and “firing.” McCord is the author of “How to Hire,” in the January–February 2018 issue of Harvard BusinessReview.

688: How to Fix Your Hiring Process

Peter Cappelli, professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and director of its Center forHuman Resources, says managers at companies large and small are doing hiring all wrong. A confluence of changes, fromthe onslaught of online tools to a rise in recruitment outsourcing, have promised more efficiency but actually made us lesseffective at finding the best candidates. Cappelli says there are better, simpler ways to measure whether someone will be agood employee and advises companies to focus more on internal talent. He's the author of the HBR article "Your Approachto Hiring is All Wrong."

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HR Management on How to Hire the Perfect Employee
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The cases “Hiring the Best People” and “How to Fix Your Hiring Process” both discuss issues regarding human resources, managers, and the hiring of employees in various organizations and companies from different fields of work. This paper will analyze and tackle the concepts and key points present in these cases, which will help in the improvement of the hiring process and the human resources.
One of the most important key points is the collaboration of the managers and the human resources department, especially when it comes to hiring employees because this will increase the chances of hiring excellent employees fit for their occupation. Both the managers and the human resources should be aware of the essential skills that are needed for the nature of work that the position entails. If a good match is found between a newly hired employee and a position, this will lead to good quality of work/output, increased productivity, high self-esteem, loyalty to the company, job satisfaction, and lower turnover rates (Hamilton & Davison, 2017). This will benefit both the employee and the company as well, making the hiring process a very important part of the success of the organization.
Another concern is the efficient recruitment of employees through online platforms and tools, but although this does have advantages, there are still concerns regarding its effectiveness with hiring the right people for a specific job. In the long run, this may not have a good effect on the company when efficiency is valued over effectivity as it will reflect on the quality of output or service, and in high turnover rates (Hamilton & Davison, 2017). Ineffective hiring will also cost the company its resources because it will be allotted to employees who are not...
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