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Business & Marketing
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Consumer Research: Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. Read Juska.

2. (my selected org: pmCAN studio)

(for my selected org-pmCAN, please see “Jin_Organization Selection & Channel Audit”)

(for my audience persona, please see “Jin_Persona_for_pmCAN”)

(for my IMC objectives, please see “IMC objectives”)

also, pmCAN studio:Here is the web of pmCAN https://pmcanmedia(dot)wixsite(dot)com/ubelonghere/about-us

Here is some info about my org:

Who? Our organization targets musicians, filmmakers, and community members who enjoy watching videos and would like creative, empathetic, and aesthetic video content.

What? We create video content. We create music videos for musicians, we support and help filmmakers to make short films, we make documentary videos for families and individual persons, we create branding videos for companies.

Why? Buyers need unique videos for their music, stories, and daily experiences.

Where? Our customers can be found on online social media platforms and in person.

When? We get access to consumers when we post content online or when we attend in-person events such as film festivals.

3. Write

Part 1 - Conduct secondary research: Utilize at least three categories of Figure 4.2(page129) in Juska's text to obtain secondary research information. For example, do an audit of existing media coverage on the organization and/or relevant competitors to understand the news landscape in your industry, cause, or policy area. Another option could be to review social media conversations around your organization and relevant topics.

In 500 words, share what you learned about developing creative brand messages, selecting appropriate media, and designing promotional programs for this target audience.

this company could be an example of our competitor:https://www(dot)nashpictures(dot)com/productionservices?gclid=CjwKCAjw_Y_8BRBiEiwA5MCBJk1NphO4Qdi01Rh8tKGhar-vW0KfyHkKTCa2IeUQL-PwDJBJPV8A0xoCEeYQAvD_BwE

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Consumer Research
Student’s Name
Consumer Research
Branding is among the most strategic marketing plans for any business entity. Creative brand messages give business owners an upper hand against competitors as they showcase the company’s value of services. According to Bruhn and Schnebelen (2017), branding is the most effective way of developing a progressive way of achieving a high communication level with the target audience. Insights from a report by McKinsey and Company (2020) indicate that branding and marketing form a vital part of a firm’s strategic growth. Businesses need to have a customer-centric approach while developing their strategies to achieve significant success (Armstrong, Esber, Heller, & Timelin, 2020). Messaging involves the strategic use of language to align the main idea of the brand to the consumers. The language used needs to be straight to the point and should demonstrate positive energy and feelings. The idea should also be short, address a specific topic, and be relevant for the application. An audit on young people conducted on social media revealed that most young people are looking for information presented aesthetically.
Creating content is no longer a challenge in the modern world. The challenge is putting the content on the right platform so that it be retrieved only for the intended use. Information should be presented in a compelling manner to attract the attention of the target audience. In our case, we intend to provide a better illustration of Funway’s videos by ensuring quality videos that are catchy to the intended audience. Therefore, organizations have taken it upon themselves to put their message across in the shortest possible time and in the most interesting way. The generation born in the era of rapid technology evolution had the privilege of accessing information as quickly as possible (Cheung, Pires & Rosenberger, 2019). Funway utilizes various platforms that include YouTube, BiliBili, Instagram, and SoundCloud to interact with his audience. Therefore, our intent is to market these channels on Social media platforms to increase his popularity and audience reach.
Conducting a proper social media audit is required to identify the most suitable account for presenting the information to the audience. A Harvard Business Review report notes that firms are not able to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of their campaigns missing on key strategic goals (Keller, 2000). The logos should also be consistent in all accounts and carry out self-audits regularly. Content should be posted regularly and in line with the existing brand (Cheung, Pires & Rosenberger, 2019). The audience prefers the message short, funny, and precise (Cheung, Pires & Rosenberger, 2019). The use of the right media will increase the number of audiences. For example, content with many images can find a better audience on Instagram (Cheung, Pires & Rosenberger, 2019). Content involving detailed ...
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