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Business Strategy as a Christian Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Using Nehemiah chapters 1 & 2, write a response on how this passage guides us in the area of crafting and executing strategy. What five things did Nehemiah do over a period of several months before he engaged the king with his request? What specifically does this teach us regarding patience, timeliness, and preparation in considering strategy? How did Nehemiah evaluate his external environment as well as his resources, capabilities, and competition? Provide and explain examples of how this could work effectively in the workplace. Please use APA 7th edition format and three references. Thanks for your support.

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Business Strategy as a Christian
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Business Strategy as a Christian
While the Bible is a religious book meant for spiritual growth and nourishment, its messages apply to our daily lives and can be used for an individual’s development. It can serve as an excellent source for business people and other professionals towards proper decision-making for their businesses. A perfect example of such a book in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a trusted adviser to the Persian King Artaxerxes in the 5th century B.C. His dream of rebuilding Jerusalem, Nehemiah, exhibits excellent characteristics that any business or professional can utilize to succeed in their endeavors. Nehemiah’s account shows five key steps that he took that enabled him to restore the city.
Five Things Nehemiah did and Their Teachings
One of the steps is that he undertook a prayerful assessment of the situation. On learning that Jerusalem was in ruins, Nehemiah broke down and prayed consistently before approaching the king to seek his blessings before pursuing the restoration project. After the king’s blessings, he went to the city and carefully assessed it to determine the damage’s extent before taking action. This step teaches entrepreneurs and professionals that before you begin a new project, always start with prayer and then objectively analyze the situation.
The second feature was to have a compelling vision. The city of Jerusalem had been neglected for more than a century, and no one had thought of reviving it. Significantly few people believed that it was necessary to restore it as no one seemed interested. However, Nehemiah had a bigger vision and could see a possibility in what everybody deemed impossible. Similarly, entrepreneurs and other professionals are also encouraged to be visionary. Once you have a vision, there is nothing that cannot be achieved, and therefore, before venturing out to do something, one needs to know what they want from the activity.
Thirdly, Nehemiah was patient in any actions that he took. Vision takes time to grow, and as shown by Nehemiah, God is not in a hurry as we are. God takes time to build a dream in a person’s heat, and the vision may not require immediate action. After developing the vision, Nehemiah did nothing for four months. This characteristic teaches timeliness that entrepreneurs and professionals must always be patient in whatever they do. They should only take action when they are sure of it because any hasty decisions could result in catastrophic results.
The fourth feature is the need to have a formidable team. Nehemiah understood that he could not achieve his vision...
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