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Human Resource Management vs Operations Management Principles

Essay Instructions:

Unit 6 Assignment: Human Resource Management and
Project Management Paper

In this Assignment, you will be assessed based on the following outcomes:

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of

operations management.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in

Standard English.

GEL-8.03: Apply critical thinking to formulate a logical solution to a problem.

Professional service organizations help professionals maintain their careers via continuous learning,

provide social and business networking opportunities, promote leadership and mentorship within the field of the profession, and provide standardization for the profession. Additionally, the code of ethics for a professional service organization is a major component of what defines a profession.

Human Resource Management and Project Management both have well-established professional

service organizations.

They are as follows:
Human Resource Management Professional Service Organization
Society for Human Resource Management. (2016). Retrieved from http://www(dot)shrm(dot)org/

Project Management Professional Service Organization
Project Management Institute, Inc. (2016). Retrieved from http://www(dot)pmi(dot)org/

In this Assignment, you will review these provided resources and compose an informative essay in a minimum of 3-full pages in which you specifically address the parts listed below. Make sure to include separate title and references pages, use standard paragraph structure, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow all other APA 6th edition formatting and citation guidelines. Conduct research from credible peer-reviewed sources, the Library, and your textbook to support your responses.

Part 1: Compare human resource management and project principles to those of operations

management as follows:

● Human Resource Management principles compared to Operations Management principles

● Project Management principles compared to Operations Management principles

Unit 6 [MT435]

Part 2: Close your paper with the following observations from your research:

● The importance of professional service organizations in standardizing a profession, to include

their established code of ethics

● Imagine a scenario in a real-world workplace environment that you are familiar with where you

have to apply critical thinking to determine a logical solution which begins with defining a

problem, analysis of related factors, designing several policy solutions for senior leader

consideration for their buy-in, where you present to the company president three potential

policies for their review and selection of a final recommended policy. Make sure you integrate a

professional code of ethics as an aspect of your proposed policies.

SCM Standard Requirements

● This Assignment should be a separate MS Word document, preferably in the most current .docx

file format.

● In addition to the APA 6th edition style title page and reference page; ensure your paper

covers the assigned topics, with a focus on quality. The following items provide additional

guidance as to writing expectations.

● Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts,

topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly

organized, logical, and focused.

● It must be written in Standard English; demonstrating exceptional content, organization,

style, grammar, and mechanics.

● Your paper should provide a clearly established sustained viewpoint and purpose.

● Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified; as well as original and insightful.

● Ensure your paper uses APA 6th edition format for content, with properly indented paragraphs,

and a minimum of 3-full pages covering the assigned topics to appropriate depth.

● A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA

6th edition format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for credible research.

● Ensure you have at a minimum three quality references supporting your work: defining words,

or using dictionaries, wikis, or encyclopedias, does not count as a quality reference, or meet

university standards for credible online research.

● Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all

sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA 6th

edition formatting and citation style found at the Writing Resources accessed through the

Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course. (It should include a

cover sheet, paper is double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations,

Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of

the last page.)

*Please note: Professors do have academic freedom to modify Assignments and requirements to

mitigate against cheating and plagiarism, and help with student learning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Resource Management
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management principles compared to Operations Management principles
Human resource management refers to the formal systems and principles developed for the management of workforce within an organization. The human resource management has three main responsibilities which include employee benefits and compensation, staffing and defining or defining work. Primarily, the functions of the human resource managers are to maximize the productivity, value and the wealth of an organization by effectively coordinating the employees. The contemporary human resource is guided by many essential principles (Society for Human Resource Management, 2016). Firstly, the paramount principle is a basic recognition that human resource is the core asset of any business organization; an organization cannot be productive without properly managing its workforce. Another principle of human resource management is that the HRM is supposed to find, develop, secure and guide the workers whose desires and talents match with the goals of an organization.
On the other hand, operations management processes involve formulating, overseeing, and reformulation of organizations operations processes. Operations management is designed to ensure that there is efficiency in the allocation of resources while still making sure that the client’s specifications and directions are followed effectively (Society for Human Resource Management, 2016). The operations managers achieve this objective by adding value to the organization's operations and processes. Also, the operations management principle ensures that a firm has to achieve its goals by directing its technical and physical functions towards production, development, and manufacturing. The operations managers increase the value of the firm through designing operations which lead to improved customer satisfaction hence increased sales revenue of the firm.
Operational management and human resource management are two different and distinct levels of management, but they are co-dependent of each other. While the operations management is involved in the responsibility of operating, designing and improvement of the firm's productive systems, the human resource is responsible for effectively allocating the human workforce to work on those operations and processes.
Project Management principles compared to Operations Management principles
Project management describes the organizational functions to initiate and develop projects that meet the organizations need, meet market demands and attain a particular strategic objective. Project management is temporary as it is aimed at meeting a particular need which has a beginning and an end. In project management, there exists a defined set of project deliverables, clearly defined timelines, and a clearly defined team to work on the project (Project Management Institute, Inc. 2016). On the other hand, operations management is a continuous organizational function and responsibility that performs to provide the firm's products or services. For example, accounting, and information technology are all continuous business operations.
Operation is permanent activities that help the firm...
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