Global Market Strategies: U.S. Exports and Imports
Module 4 - Case
Assignment Overview
U.S. Exports and Imports
Finding the right country markets for export and those for import is a challenge for companies doing international business. There are many government, private, and public websites and databases that provide rich information on countries. This is your opportunity to use government and organization databases.
Case 4 Resources
Types of Tariffs (2021) - Link doesn't work
What is Importing and Exporting? (2020)
How Importing and Exporting Impacts the Economy (2020)
Strong Dollar: Advantages and Disadvantages (2020)
Trade and COVID-19 (2021)
Chart 1
Begin with the U.S. Census Bureau’s Global Market Finder: An Interactive Tool for U.S. Exporters. Randomly select a commodity (they are all presented in numbers). Click Map, Time Series, and Unit Price to find required data to complete the table.
Global Market Finder: An Interactive Tool for U.S. Exporters.
Describe the importance of this data for a U.S. company looking to export the commodity. (1/2 page) Research Required.
Using World Bank: World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS), research the top two countries and the country with the highest price from the table above to learn about tariffs for U.S. exports in the commodity category. From the WITS page, select “United States” and then “United States Tariff Schedule,” then select the first country to complete the table below. Find the category that reflects the commodity chosen.
Using World Bank: World Integrated Trade Solution -
Explain what is meant by MFN (Most Favored Nation) Tariff and Applied Tariff and how they affect exporting. (1/2 page) Research Required.
Let us turn our attention to U.S. imports during COVID using the World Bank’s Database on COVID-19 Trade Flows and Policies. Research in Medical Supplies or Food Products. Select “Information by Country Pair.”
Top right: Select United States
Select/Click: One Product
Complete the table for the top 5 exporters. NOTE: you can sort the tables from highest to lowest dollars or market share.
Database on COVID-19 Trade Flows and Policies.
Research news reports from 2020 and share how important this export was to the United States during the pandemic. Share information about shortages of this product. (1/2 page) Research Required.
No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation.
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric.
The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate. Refer to yourself in third-person as “manager” or you can write about what the “project team” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.”
BUS401 Case 1
Your Name
Trident University International
BUS401 International Business
Due Date
BUS401 Case 1
Exports and imports are crucial in every country as they add to the gross domestic product (GDP). Companies research the international market for data on the products they provide to decide where to export their products. They also must consider the market tariffs and choose what is favorable for them to make optimum profits and operate with friendly business partners.
Export Analysis
U.S. Export Commodity
Sheep (0104100000)
Top 5 Countries by Value
Value $USD
United Kingdom
3-Year Market Value
Highest and Lowest Prices
Value $USD
SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau's Global Market Finder: An Interactive Tool for U.S. Exporters
Market research is crucial for any company looking to progress positively and expand its profit margins in the export sector. The table above represents the top five importers of the U.S. sheep. This data is crucial for a U.S. company looking to export the commodity in three ways. The first one is market identification. It is important to identify the market for products and mark those likely to be ready and reliable (Kramer, 2023). The data shows the product's top five importers, and a U.S. company seeking to export sheep products will use the data to identify the potential markets.
Secondly, the data will help a U.S. company looking to export sheep to estimate the market sizes. Market sizes help determine the amount of export of the product to a given available market/country (Kramer, 2023). The 3-year market value in the data will help a prospective export company weigh the market's consistency for the commodity over time, thus helping determine the amount of product to export.
Lastly, the data also helps in price benchmarking for the product for a U.S. company seeking to export sheep. Prices of various products are different in a given country, determined by taxes and other market forces like demand and supply. The data will help a company determine where their product will likely fetch the highest market price.
Tariff Analysis
U.S. Export Commodity
MFN (Most Favored Nation) Tariff
Applied Tariff
#1: 020423
#2: 020430
Highest: 020110
SOURCE: World Bank: World Integrated Trade Solution
Most Favored Nation (MFN) is a significant World Trade Organization (WTO) and international trade principle where a country agrees to...