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Global Marketers Embroiled in Controversy

Essay Instructions:

Module 3 - SLP


Assignment Overview

Global Marketers embroiled in Controversy

When brand names become connected with positive attributes, the company can prosper. On the other hand, when the brand becomes part of a controversy, the company must act.

Session Long Project 3 Resources

A US ban on kangaroo leather would be an animal welfare disaster – and a missed farming opportunity (2021)

H&M upsets Vietnam after kowtowing to Beijing over ‘problematic map’ (2021) - PAGE does not exist

Most Americans Support Tough Stance Toward China on Human Rights, Economic Issues (2021)

Pressing China on human rights – even if it hurts economic relations – has Americans’ bipartisan support (2021)

Threats and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace (2019)

Personal Values and Ethics (2019)

Fragility, Conflict & Violence

SLP Assignment

International Crisis Interventions

Research two incidents in which an international brand becomes involved in a controversial situation. Focus on situations that occurred outside of the United States. It may be a current news story or conduct internet searches for an incident (less than three years old).

You will write a 2-page report:

Provide a brief background of each incident and how the company was affected in the news, social media, etc.

Explain how the company reacted. (1 page for each situation)

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation .

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric.

This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the attached APA-formatted template (BUS401 SLP3) to create your submission.

Your submission will include:

Completed Template

BODY OF PAPER: 2 pages

TOTAL LENGTH: 4 pages (Cover page, BODY: 2 pages and 1-page Reference List)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BUS401 SLP 3
Your Name
Trident University International
BUS401 International Business
Due Date
BUS401 SLP 3
Engaging in international business exposes companies to many situations that require careful and considerate handling, mainly when these scenarios involve delicate issues such as human rights. This paper illuminates two notable incidents in which prominent international corporations, namely the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the H&M Group, found themselves ensnared in controversies pertaining to human rights within the confines of China's geopolitical landscape (Atske, 2022).
Incident 1
In 2019, the NBA, a powerhouse in the international sporting industry, inadvertently plunged into a significant diplomatic imbroglio. This predicament unfolded when Daryl Morey, General Manager for the Houston Rockets, disseminated a tweet that explicitly expressed support for protesters in Hong Kong seeking freedom and democratic representation (Today & Zillgitt, 2019). The repercussions of this seemingly innocuous action were immediate and severe, drawing the ire of the Chinese government and causing a rift between the NBA and its Chinese business associates, endangering the association's reputation and operational footing in a market teeming with potential and existing consumers.
In a bid to mitigate the escalating situation, the NBA swiftly moved to distance the organization from Morey's contentious tweet. The association issued statements underscoring that Morey's sentiments did not indicate the NBA's position on the tumultuous events transpiring in Hong Kong (Wallbank & Cang, 2019). However, this cautious approach incited a maelstrom of criticism domestically, with detractors accusing the NBA of capitulating to economic pressures at the expense of forsaking fundamental democratic ideals and the sacrosanct right to freedom of expression. In light of this, the NBA recalibrated its stance, publicly backing Morey's freedom to express his personal views while delicately maintaining its business relationships in China.
Incident 2
H&M Group, a titan in the global retail industry, encountered a maelstrom of controversy within the Chinese market owing to its public statement concerning the reported utilization of forced labor in the Xinjiang region (Huang & Huang, 2021). This p...
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