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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Final Reflection for Business Writing class

Essay Instructions:

This Final Reflection email is an important part of your term grade.

Follow all the guidelines and components for business communications that you have learned throughout this semester. You’ve learned so much – now show your “stuff”!!


While this assignment is titled a “reflection”, it should not be written in academic essay format; instead, it is a summary of the term, and you should write it as “response to a request” in email format.  I will look for your conscientious effort with organizing (outline), planning, self-editing, attention to presentation detail (including - but not limited to - grammar and punctuation), and above all, your ideas.  These are all the same as you have been doing the entire semester.

The email should be written from you to me. As usual, please upload it to Blackboard as a WORD document. Do not actually email it to me.

Your FULL packet (see last page for list of deliverables) must be handed in at the start of class on the last day of class.  Late arrivals to class will not be accepted. Incomplete packets will automatically earn a grade of 0 (see list of deliverables).

Please include the following information:

  • Personal challenges of the writing curriculum
  • How you met those challenges/or were defeated by those challenges, and why
  • Most important writing strategies you learned this term, and why
  • What you plan to do with the knowledge you’ve gained (if any)
  • If this class has helped you or not, and why
  • At least one specific recommendation on how the class can be improved next term based on the info above
  • Other thoughts about the semester

For each of the above, you should give specific evidence/examples. Don’t make general and vague statements for which you offer no support.   

Please organize the presentation of this information using professional business writing style.

Follow the 3 Step Process Below:

Part 1:  Plan

  • Determine whether you will take a direct or indirect approach to your message.
  • Brainstorm your business writing experience through this semester, and note what areas you should concentrate on.
  • Create your outline for a complete and detail-oriented message.
  • Incorporate appropriately all the components of a routine response to a request.
  • Create a correctly formatted (typed) outline that divides the necessary information into paragraphs. (This is a basic outline. If I have marked on previous papers that “this is not an outline”, then you need to fix this step or risk losing points).

Part 2:  Write

  • Write the email.  MAX word count = 400.
  • Don’t forget to put your request in the format of an email (include subject line, to/from, email signature and contact info, introduction, body with all support info, concluding statement with a statement of goodwill and call to action, etc.). 
  • Ensure you are incorporating the format, structure, and components of a routine business message.
  • Create your email so that it has high skim value and easy navigational design.

Part 3:  Revise  

  • Proofread your first draft for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Edit again for clarity and conciseness.
  • Do you need yet another draft?
  • Make an appointment with the Writing Center to help you get the best grade possible.

You can include the tutor’s notes as a second draft exercise, but it cannot be the only edited draft. You MUST show evidence of conscientious self-editing.

  • Ensure you are clearly communicating the information required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Reflection for Business Writing class Student Name Institutional Affiliation TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Final Reflection for Business Writing class Dear Instructor, Knowing how to write is critical for the success of students. This semester, I got an opportunity to attend a course on writing strategies. It was an opportunity for me to improve my writing. I am going to demonstrate the challenges I have encountered, the writing strategies learned, how I would apply the knowledge gained and recommendations on how to improve the next term. At the beginning of the semester, I did not know the proper way of writing curriculum, but I managed to overcome. I was not familiar with the various academic citations. I could not differentiate between the various citation formats especially MLA and APA. Secondly, I had challenges in preparing an executive summary. Most of the executive summaries I was doing earlier sounded like an introduction rather than a summary of the main ideas. Thirdly, I could not prepare captivating PowerPoint presentations. I was not familiar with the rules for preparing PowerPoint slides. However, despite these challenges, I managed to overcome and become a better writer. I used the assigned readings and also followed the instructions and guidance from the course ...
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