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Evaluating Biases in Research on Gentrification and Community Displacement
Essay Instructions:
Directions :
***I have included an example that the instructor wants us to use for creation of this project it is titled under ENG 190 Module Five Essay Draft Exemplar APA.pdf*** Please use this only as an example for the formatting and clarity of what the paper needs to look like that is requested for this project. ****
***The main sources that need to be used for this project are included below imbedded in the instructions
Write a Persuasive Essay With Research
Make sure the opening sentence of the essay identifies the topic to let readers know immediately what the focus will be.
Additionally, the opening sentence grabs the audience’s attention by highlighting a problem that needs to be solved.
Research question: How can business people and community leaders work together to ensure the benefits of gentrification are shared and displacement can be prevented?
Compose a thesis statement that addresses your position.
Support key points in your persuasive essay with evidence from your research.
These are the key points presented in your thesis statement.
Use quotes or paraphrases to integrate evidence from research into your persuasive essay.
Include at least one quote and/or paraphrase for each body paragraph.
Include strategies to meet the needs of an audience. In your response, include:
An introduction with relevant background information that appeals to your chosen audience.
A conclusion that summarizes your key points and includes a call to action for your chosen audience.
Use persuasive writing techniques in the body of your persuasive essay.
Address and refute an opposing viewpoint to your position.
****Use ethos, pathos, or logos to persuade the audience when refuting the opposing viewpoint.****
Use attribution conventions throughout your persuasive essay.
Use APA for all in-text citations and/or paraphrases.
Include a References or Works Cited page at the end of your persuasive essay.
The second sentence highlights a relevant quote from one of the sources.
paraphrase the information with the citation included to identify the original source
The final sentence of the introduction narrows the focus and ends by identifying the thesis statement, which highlights the writer’s stance on the issue.
The topic sentence, which starts the paragraph, clearly identifies the key point that is developed in the paragraph.
The body paragraph balances the key point development with the supporting evidence from the research.
The supporting evidence is introduced with a signal expression that refers to the author or source.
The body paragraph develops the key point in the context of the thesis statement.
Indicate the credibility of the source here
****For APA formatting, a citation for a direct quote should include the author’s last name, the year of publication, and a paragraph number for electronic sources. This may be included in a single parenthetical citation or divided up in the sentence, as shown above. If the author’s name is identified directly within the sentence, add the year of publication immediately after, and include the paragraph numbers following the quote.*****
***The writer must show how the evidence has informed the analysis and supported the development of the essay ideas.
***When information has been paraphrased instead of quoted directly, the paragraph number isn’t required for APA.
The body paragraphs develop not only the key points but also identify and address counterargument information.
The first sentence of the conclusion shows audience awareness by identifying a clear call to action.
The conclusion reflects on the thesis, reiterates the key points, and includes a closing comment.
******Must Use these References/Sources : ******
Chong, E. (2017, September 17). Examining the negative impacts of gentrification. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy. Retrieved from
Leer, J., Hoyle, R. H., & Odgers, C. L. (2024). Direct and indirect pathways linking gentrification to adolescent reading and math achievement via educational aspirations and psychological distress. Developmental Psychology. Available at: https://doi(dot)org/10.1037/dev0001812
Tran, L. D., Rice, T. H., Ong, P. M., Banerjee, S., Liou, J., & Ponce, N. A. (2020). Impact of gentrification on adult mental health. Health Services Research, 55(3), 432–444. https://doi(dot)org/10.1111/1475-6773.13264
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Gentrification pr, presented in terms of urban regeneration or renewal, is associated with severe impacts on disadvantaged groups, mainly in displacement and exclusion. Chong (2017) defined it as follows: "Gentrification occurs when communities experience an influx of capital and concomitant goods and services in locales where those resources were previously non-existent or denied." Moreover, it is a gradual process that helps wealthy newcomers acquire land for higher-end property development. At the same time, the original dwellers are evicted in most cases, especially those from the marginalized groups of society. Many studies are inevitably oriented to gentrification's positive effects on the economy regarding house prices and public amenities while ignoring the social problems mentioned above.
To prevent gentrification from persistently having negative impacts on vulnerable communities, it becomes everybody's responsibility, especially business owners and community activists, to initiate change and propose better policies to help address the problem, such as coming up with new ordinances in the redevelopment process of the community to necessitate the formulation of better policies to address the need for affordable housing, preservation of cultural identity, and avoiding displacement. It means that only through the cost of social impacts of gentrification is it possible to speak about effective integration in the context of sustainable urban development.
Many paradigms are applied to gentrification research, where economic development is often overemphasized while people's suffering is minimized. Research often concentrates on the additional resources within properties, the emergence of new businesses, and upgraded physical networks that gentrification brings, besides the negative impacts of displacement on poor people. For example, as Chong (2017) describes the increase in capital and wealthy citizens to revitalize communities, the benefits for residents are often mixed while the downside is obscured. This economic-based story conceals that those who lived there before are forced out by high rents and property taxes, disrupting community tithees, and leaving the most fragile behind. Such research that emphasizes narrow economic impacts distorts knowledge production and reinforces policies in the best interest of the ...
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