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Describe the Importance of Business Ethics: Uber

Essay Instructions:

Use the following two articles in the links below:
1. Write a paragraph summarizing the situation.
2. Write a paragraph for each of the concepts below:
- Importance of business ethics
- Primary and secondary shareholders
-Implementing stakeholders perspective
-Foundational values for identifying ethical issues
For each point first describe the concept and then apply it to the specific case. You can use outside sources to back up your point.
3. Write a conclusion: Is the situation ethical? Does it stem from culture within the company? What changes are recommended?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics: Uber
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Institutional Affiliation
Ethics: Uber
The situation presented here is about Uber and the traditional taxi industry. Uber, which is embracing technology in its operations, has posed a serious competition to the traditional taxi as a result of the use of Uber App which enables the customers to order a taxi from everywhere and pay conveniently. There are worries that Uber is likely to out-do the traditional taxi and that the drivers would lose their jobs. The traditional taxi managers have taken Uber to court challenging the application of technology in the taxi industry. The court, however, ruled in favor of Uber terming it unreasonable to charge Uber for embracing technology to gain a competitive advantage in the market. There is also a claim that some of the Uber's operations are against the municipal regulations.
Importance of Business Ethics
Business ethics outline what us right and wrong for a business enterprise and guides the decisions made by a company on its operations. Operating within the ethics presents some benefits to business (Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, 2014). The employees will be comfortable working for a company that in their knowledge know that they are not practicing unethical practices. The customers will be glad consuming the products of a company which they know that it considers the concerns of their employees and is responsible for its operations. For instance, a coffee firm which clearly outlines that the raw beans shall be picked from sustainable plants growing in places where no deforestation has taken place and by people who are properly compensated and in the environment in which coffee production does not harm the environment (Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, 2014). Following such an ethic makes the company reputable and gain customer trust. Business ethics also guards a business against unnecessary fines for indulging in unlawful practices. For example, practices that go against municipal regulations such as tax evasion which may attract fines when caught (Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, 2014).
Primary and Secondary Stakeholders
Primary stakeholders are people who have direct interests in a company's behavior as well as the financial performance. For instance, the employees and investors in a company make up the primary stakeholders since they rely on the financial performance of that company so as to get their wages and profits (Hartman, DesJardins, & MacDonald, 2014). On the other hand, secondary stakeholders are those people who have indirect interests in a firm. For example, people who live near a fir's premise are indirectly interested in the activities of the firm on environmental conservation and pollution. When the firm pollutes the environment, the residents are affected. In the case presented, the primary stakeholders include the taxi drivers and the managers of taxi companies while the secondary stakeholders include the customers and the municipal authorities as well as law enforcers. Unlawful activities that arise from taxi operations attract...
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