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Case Study Assignment: Hazel - Major Facts and Problems

Essay Instructions:

Hazel had worked for the same Fortune 500 company for almost fifteen years. Although the company had gone through some tough times, things were starting to turn around. Customer orders were up, and quality and productivity had improved dramatically from what they had been only a few years earlier due to a companywide quality improvement program. So it came as a real shock to Hazel and about 400 of her co-workers when they were suddenly terminated following the new CEO’s decision to downsize the company.
After recovering from the initial shock, Hazel tried to find employment elsewhere. Despite her efforts, after eight months of searching, she was no closer to finding a job than the day she started. Her funds were being depleted and she was getting more discouraged. There was one bright spot, though: She was able to bring in a little money by mowing lawns for her neighbors. She got involved quite by chance when she heard one neighbor remark that now that his children were on their own, nobody was around to cut the grass. Almost jokingly, Hazel asked him how much he would be willing to pay. Soon Hazel was mowing the lawns of five neighbors. Other neighbors wanted her to work on their lawns, but she did not feel that she could spare any more time from her job search.
However, as the rejection letters began to pile up, Hazel knew she had to make an important decision in her life. On a rainy Tuesday morning, she decided to go into business for herself—taking care of neighborhood lawns. She was relieved to give up the job of stress hunting, and she was excited about the prospects of being her own boss. But she was also fearful of being completely on her own. Nevertheless, Hazel was determined to make a good profit.
At first, business was a bit slow, but once people realized Hazel was available, many asked her to take care of their lawns. Some people were simply glad to turn the work over to her; others switched from professional lawn care services. By the end of her first year in business, Hazel knew she could earn a living this way. She also performed other services such as fertilizing lawns, weeding gardens, and trimming shrubbery. Business became so good that Hazel hired two part-time workers to assist her and, even then, she believed she could expand further if she wanted to.
Question 1: Hazel is the operations manager of her business. Among her responsibilities are forecasting and project management.
Question 2: What kind of things would need to be predicted?
Question 3: What type of activities would need project management?
Question 4: In what ways are Hazel’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care services?
Question 5: What are some of the trade-offs that Hazel would need to consider with regard to working for a company instead of for herself and to expanding her new business?

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          Case Study-Hazel Name Institution Date   1] Major facts Having been relied upon of her job in a Fortune 500 company, Hazel has ventured in mowing her neighbors’ lawns (Stevenson, 2015).  In setting up a new lawn mowing business, establishing credibility and deciding on the logistics and pricing have influence business growth. Even though this started, while she was looking for a job, Hazel realized that the services could expand. Additionally, the decision to employ two part- time workers is based on the observation that more neighbors appreciate her services, and there is an opportunity for growth. There are those who now prefer her services compared to the professional lawn mowers vindicating the decision to expand services.  Despite Hazel now understanding the lawn mowing business, there is no guarantee that the business will expand within the projected time. Hazel has to determine whether to go on with the business even when there is a slow down while also looking for a job. In case Hazel is employed, she would have to contact some services to contractors or supervise the part-time workers who will need to work for more hours to render the required services. To improve the level of customer service is a top priority, as this will improve the company’s profitability when there are customer loyalty and the likelihood of attracting more customers. II] Major problem  How does Hazel increase productivity to improve profitability without increasing the price as this would likely drive some of the customers away?  III] Possible solutions •    Better innovation and technology incorporation •    Improving efficiency increasing the number of workers to serve more customers •    Focusing on training to improve the workforce •    Using research from other lawn mowing services to improve operations •    Improving maintenance Advantages and disadvantages of the possible solutions and better innovation and incorporating technology.  There are various advantages of innovation as this approach allows Hazel to expand her market reach to meet the demands of the clients. The more the neighbors are satisfied with the services provided because of innovations, the more they are likely to seek these services in future. Innovation will make the company more competitive to improve productivity and efficiency. However, innovation also increases the costs and expenses incurred by the company, and the companies offering professional lawn mowing services may be more competitive and have the ability to absorb losses in the short term. It may be necessary to pay the employees higher when then there s integration of innovative technology. Increasing the number of workers to serve more customers Increasing the number of workers will make it easier to respond to the client needs and address workload fluctuations when a need arise. Since the employees will be temporary there is increased staff flexibility, and when some are not available. The success of employing new workers depends on their commitment and ability to adapt to the work conditions. Nonetheless, having a larger workforce also requires more training resources, and there is no guarantee that there will be high morale and commitment among the existing employees. Focusing on training to improve the workforce Training improves productivity and efficiency as the employees are better placed to provide lawn mowing services the employees also focus on addressing the client`s concerns when they are trained, and they are motivated to provide service for they are sure what is expected of them. Training may only result in marginal benefits, while it may be difficult to quantify the impact of training on productivity and efficiency. There is a risk that after training some of the employees will go elsewhere or start their own business once they get better skills. Using research to improve operations and reaching out to new customers      It is necessary to find out what other services are offered by landscaping a law morning competitors.   Understanding the lawn mowing service delivery is necessary to determine the demand for services occur seasonally, and the pricing range that is competitive (Pepper, 2009).  However, getting information from the rivals is difficult, while there is a need to focus on prediction and forecasting before targeting new customers who prefer different needs.  Acquiring new equipment and improving maintenance      Efforts to improve the maintenance of equipment will increase efficiency and avoid an unnecessary slowdown in activities, but the maintenance costs will also increase. In choosing the best option among the choices the benefits and costs are considered. IV] Choice and rationale      Undertaking research before and after being in the lawn mowing business makes it easier to reach out to the new customers.  The case for this option is that Hazel would have a better understanding of the local market conditions would customize services in a way that meets the needs of customers. Simply waiting for the customers is ineffective, since there are many competitors. Marketing the services and targeting the customers is possible when Hazel can identify their needs and preferences.  Research extends to identif...
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