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Reason of Proposal for the Creation of Burghaton Police Department

Essay Instructions:

Module 2
Begin development of your agency:
-Develop mission statement
The mission statement explains and defines the reasons that the organization exists, the organization's purpose, business philosophy and the critical process for the level of performance.
-Define description of services
The description of services will define the duties and responsibilities of each category or group within the organization. What the group will be responsible for, how the group will function and information to allow the reader to understand their individual mission.
-Establish main agency divisions
A division is a section of the whole or entire agency. It is a major unit that oversees or has responsibility to the organization. A division could include, investigations, fiscal affairs, administration, etc.
Answer 4 Questions to Get a Great Mission Statement
Although focused on the for-profit business world, many of the considerations for a great mission statement will transfer over to the work necessary for a police agency.
Answer 4 Questions to Get a Great Mission Statement
Although focused on the for-profit business world, many of the considerations for a great mission statement will transfer over to the work necessary for a police agency.
5 Things I Hate About Department Mission Statements
Read a real world example of some considerations to keep in mind while creating a mission statement for a law enforcement agency.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
NameInstitutional AffiliationDate
The city of Burghaton will be located within the state of Florida. It consists of approximately 50 square miles and 10 square miles of navigable waterways. The city has a permanent population of one hundred thousand. The number of tourists who visit the city is approximately twenty-five thousand per year. Out of the total population, 80% are of the white race, 14% are of the black race, and 6% are of the other races. The city has a median age of forty-three with a per capital income of twenty- seven dollars. Unemployment rate in Burghaton City is 5.6%. The school enrolment of the city is 11,000 students.
Reasons for the Creation of Burghaton Police Department
As the newly appointed Chief of Police of Burghaton City, I have carried out research on the various issues that are affecting the residents of Burghaton City and they necessitate the establishment of a Police Department as highlighted below:
* Slow response of the State Police –After a survey, we realized that the residents had complained that the emergency response of the police was very slow.
* Increase in the number of tourists who visited Burghaton City-Over the past two years the number of tourists who visited the city was observed to be growing. In the last three months, the city had recorded 25,000 visitors. There is a necessity for the provision of security to these tourists.
* Immigration to the city-There was a significant number of people who had moved to the city within the past 3 months which resulted to population increase CITATION Pol12 \l 1033 (Police Research Executive Forum, 2012).
* High rates of insecurity-There were many cases of insecurity that were reported in the city. The police state records show that there are a large number of juvenile gangs in the city who terrorized the residents.
Mission Statement
The police department will be committed to ensure that there is proper policing in the city to enable the residents and visitors to experience a safe and healthy environment to carry out their activities without fear. We will be guided by the following primary values:
* Respect-We will ensure that we treat each of the residents with the respect that they deserve irrespective of their race, religion or political affiliations.
* Services-We will ensure that we provide high-quality services to the residents of Burghaton City.
* Faster Response-We will make sure that there is a faster response to the needs of the citizens at all times.
* Integrity- We will ensure that we carry out our duties to the highest ethical standards. We will uphold the trust of the members of the Public in the police department.
* Creativity-We will ensure that we come up with new ways of solving the security problems in the City of Burghaton.
Description of Services
The proposed police department will be offering the following services:
1. Events Security Services
The department will be responsible for the provision of security to the various public events that happen around the city of Burghaton. Police will be assigned duties to respond to any issues that may arise as result of Insecurity.
2. Emergency Call services
There will be a 24/7 call service that will be available at all times for the people to inform the police about any activities that may be a threat to their security.
3. Security Escorts-
The Burghaton Police Department will be available to provide security to people or any other vehicles as they will be asked upon.
4. Crime Prevention
The department will carry work with the other police departments in ensuring that no criminal activity takes place within the City of Burghaton. A large number of police officers will be availed to handle the security threat and to make sure that people who may threaten the security of the residents are arrested and brought before the law.
5. Residential Parking Services

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