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First Course Assignment: Strategic Management and Planning

Essay Instructions:

Please answer all questions. Please do not remove the questions or the numbering sequence. Thanks.

Readings: Towndrow, P. A. & Vaish, V. (2009). Wireless laptops in English classrooms: A SWOT analysis from Singapore. Educational Media International, 46(3), 207-221.

McDonald's Business Analysis. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles(dot)com/?McDonalds-Business-Analysis&id=687438,

Kazaz, A. & Ulubeyli, S. (2009). Strategic management practices in Turkish construction firms. Journal of Management in Engineering, 25(4), 185-194.

Turning Business Threats to Opportunities. Retrieved from http://www(dot)submityourarticle(dot)com/articles/J-Dubo-1061/Business-Threats-7127.php

Please provide complete detailed answers.

In the Towndrow and Vaish (2009) reading assess if the authors identified internal strengths and weaknesses.

How can the Turkish construction company in the  Kazaz & Ulubeyli (2009) article convert their (a) weaknesses into strenths, and (b) threats into opportunities?



Ling, F., Pham, V., & Hoang, T. (2009). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for architectural, engineering, and construction firms: Case study of Vietnam. Journal of Construction Engineering & Management, 135(10), 1105-1113. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search in the Touro library.

Search TUW Academic databases, the Internet, and other peer reviewed online articles to discover how to create a good SWOT analysis.

Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from https://www(dot)msu(dot)edu/~jdowell/135/Synthesis.html#anchor48017

After reading the Ling, Pham, and Hoang (2009) article select at least 3 items regarding strengths and weaknesses for Vietnamese firms.  Synthesize your analysis.

Continuing with the Ling, Pham, and Hoang (2009) article select at least 3 items regarding opportunities and threats for Vietnamese firms.  Synthesize your analysis.



Birnbaum, B. (n.d.). Your action plan: Converting your strategy into action. Retrieved July 14, 2016, from http://nicholaswatson2002(dot)wix(dot)com/tutorials#!week-6/cthh 

Ozcan, A., & Turan, O. (2009). Analytical investigation of marine casualties at the Strait of Istanbul with SWOT–AHP method. Maritime Policy & Management, 36(2), 131-145. Retrieved from http://strathprints(dot)strath(dot)ac(dot)uk/13824/1/OT_Analytical_Investigation_mar_pol_man.pdf

Share ideas and academic resources on how to get started in writing your case assignment about L’Oréal Company.

Discuss the key elements of a strategic action plan?






A Report by the Palestine Strategy Study Group: Executive Summary. (2008). Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture 15(3), 120-123.

Berry, T. (1996-2010). Writing an Executive Summary. Retrieved December 8, 2010, from http://articles(dot)bplans(dot)com/writing-a-business-plan/writing-an-executive-summary/207

Who should be involved in strategic planning? (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2016, from http://work911(dot)com/planningmaster/faq/processwho.htm

Who should we involve when developing the strategic action plan?

Discuss the elements necessary in a strategic action plan executive summary.



Barrella, E. M. & Buffinton, K. W.  (2009). Corporate Assessment of Strategic Issues in Technology Management. Engineering Management Journal, 21(1), 27-33.

Odder, A. R. (2009). We know how to turn schools around -- We just haven't done it. Education Week, 29(14), 22-23.

Taylor, J. S. et al. (2008). Leadership and strategic management: Keys to institutional priorities and planning.  European Journal of Education, 43(3), 369-386.

How do team/group dynamics affect strategic planning in the organization?

Describe a leader (past or present) you know that had a positive impact within an organization’s strategic plan.



Abuya, T. et. Al

 (2010). Importance of strategic management in the implementation of private medicine retailer programmes: Case studies from three districts in Kenya. BMC Health Services Research, 2010 Supplement 1, 10, 1-11.

Neilson, R. E. (2009). Ensuring strategic direction: Using principles-based strategy and scenarios together. World Future Review, 1(1), 17-22.

Zabalza, K. & Matey, J. (n.d.)Strategic Management Development from the State-owned Company to the Private Company. Retreived December 8, 2010, from http://www(dot)wbiconpro(dot)com/06-Koldo-Pro-Spain.pdf

Discuss the complexities and politics associated with public/government based organizations.

What are the differences and similarities between strategic management and planning for the private and public sectors?


How does contemporary (modern) business environment influence decision makers in strategic management and planning?

Is an organization’s governing board necessary in managerial strategy and planning? Explain

Essay Sample Content Preview:

First Course
Institution of affiliation
First Course
In the Towndrow and Vaishthe authors correctly identified a number of weaknesses. They noted that learners did not explore new media and constrained themselves to the computers in Class. The authors also noted that the use Wireless Laptops resulted in the teaching methodology changing to more of a lecture style presentation. Students further invested more in overt test preparations rather than in the actual learning CITATION Tow09 \l 1033 (Towndrow, P. A. & Vaish, V., 2009). The inability to use new media is a weakness because it inhibits the platforms through which learners can access content. The learners should be trained on mobile platforms. This would make the weakness a strength. The learners would be able to access content at any time on their mobile devices, regardless of where they are. This would revolutionize the learning process. The use of wireless laptops is a strength. The delivery of content however, affects the quality of the material. The delivery mode should be changed from a lecture style to a discussion paradigm. Where the lecturer engages the students in the lecture rather than rote delivery of content. The investment in overt test preparations indicates that the exam depends more on memorization. This can be changed, to an examination paradigm that requires learners to solve problems based on the material they have learnt. This would ensure that learners now learnt the course material rather than memorizing it.
The greatest weakness of the Turkish construction company is their perception of strategic management. The culture of the company does not believe in strategic management. This is a weakness since the company cannot prepare effectively for change in the future. This can be countered by deliberately deconstructing the current culture and replacing it with a belief in strategic management. The company staff should be trained in strategic planning. This would ensure the company is able to compete effectively in a globalized competitive environment. This can be done by creating and implementing a training program. The company’s greatest strength is the ability to create joint ventures. This strength can be leveraged by formalizing these into long term partnerships CITATION Kaz09 \l 1033 (Kazaz, 2009). This is a strength since the partnerships allows the company to benefit from the strengths of the other companies. The joint venture allows it to leverage its partners networks, processes, staff, machinery etc. these would enable it to compete more favorably. This ensures it can create products of higher quality, and price them adequately to ensure they remain competitive while generating profits.
•The Vietnamese workforce has deep cultural ties to the people and is loyal.
•The cost of labor is low, this makes it competitive in the global labor market.
•Vietnamese business practices protect firms from unfair competition where the government steps in to protect local firms.
•The lack of technological advances means the firms are labor intensive rather than capital intensive.
• The Vietnamese firms are new comers to the market. This allows them to offer a new perspective with regard to their product offering. The firms can take more risks compared to the more established firms in creating their products. This provides them with a niche.
•The lack the financial capacity to support and implement projects demanding significant capital outlays.
•They also do not have the management capacity and the technology to support these projects.
The strengths of the Vietnamese firms outweigh weaknesses. However, the weaknesses if they remain as such, will constitute a threat to the firms. Mechanisms must be put in place to take advantage of the strengths of the firm as well as changing the weaknesses into potential opportunities.
•The Vietnamese firm has opportunities through partnerships. The partnerships would provide it with access to finance, knowledge in design and construction technology. It would also provide it with the ability to set up mechanisms to monitor spending and cut back on corruption.
•The Vietnamese firms have access to cheap labor which allows them to produce goods at a lower cost. This, coupled with the competitive pricing of labor in the Vietnamese labor market makes it affordable to produce goods.
•The Vietnamese firms can partner with financial institutions to provide them with the financial capacity to take on large projects.
•The threats to the firms include the better quality services offered by foreign firms at a lower cost.
•Corruption and wasteful spending makes the Vietnamese firms uncompetitive in the market.
•The local laws which are protective of the local firms discourages the inflow of technology. Labor intensive practices are adopted rather than adopt technology. Where technology would make optimize work and create efficiency.
The opportunities for the firms are significant. However, the threats to the firm create a potential quagmire for the firms. Where they remain unresolved they can and will lead to the firms losing out to the foreign competition. The threats should be addressed thus, allowing the firms to build on the opportunities.
The case assignment on the L’oreal Company will collect information from leading academic journals. These journal will mainly be on the cosmetics such as; International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Cosmetics An Open Access Journal, the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery etc. Other academic resources include leading cosmetology websites. The case assignment should discuss key elements of the company’s operations. A critical component should be the marketing of L’Oreal’s products. Noting enhanced competition of the cosmetic’s industry. The c...
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