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Entrepreneurial Opportunity in the Market

Essay Instructions:

Based on the operations of the new enterprise, provide a general description of this entrepreneurial opportunity. Description must include an analysis of the solution’s feasibility. The main points are these three:

1. Is the solution financially viable?

2. Is there a market?

3. Can your team communicate effectively with that market?


Based on the questions we provided and our previous market research, we found that there is a huge gap in China's market that focuses on communication barriers between underage children and their parents. Our team decided to create a company dedicated to eliminating the communication barriers between parents and underage children.

We set the company's core products into two parts: standardized courses and customized consulting and guidance services. Standardized courses are mainly delivered online. Its content mainly includes helping parents to establish reasonable educational values, helping parents realize the importance of communicating with their children, and improving the effectiveness of communication between parents and children. At the same time we will cooperate with local schools in a non-profit way. We will provide lectures on the importance of family communication during the school's parent meetings and parent open days. This can not only help schools provide parents with relevant guidance on caring for their children's mental health, but also provide free publicity for our products.

Customized services are the focus of our company and the best way to solve different problems faced by different families. In order to achieve the best results, in this part of the products we all adopt the in-person face-to-face model. We will recruit the most professional team in the industry to provide the most suitable services for different families. We divide the service content into three stages. At the first stage, we will communicate with the child in the absence of their parents to understand the ideal family atmosphere in their minds and their principal family conflict. In communicating with the child, we will judge whether the child has some serious psychological problems. At the same time, we will also communicate with the parents so that we can analyze the core problems faced by the target family from different directions. At the second stage, we will first provide parents with the basic knowledge of effective communication, and at the same time let parents realize that different communication methods will lead to completely different results. Then guide the parents to think about the problem from the perspective of the child, and let the parents understand the inner needs of the child. Finally, design effective communication methods for parents according to the different situations of their children. At the third stage, we will create several parent-child activities based on the problems they are facing. These activities may include traveling, cooperating to complete a model airplane, pottery, cultivating a plant, letting children design and manage family expenses for a week, cooking together, taking a family portrait, setting a goal with their children and rewarding the first one who achieved the goal, etc. Through these activities, we will help parents practice the communication methods they have learned to help them re-establish a good communication foundation to achieve a harmonious and stable family relationship.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Entrepreneurial Idea
The company focuses on mitigating the communication barriers between parents and underage children through standardized courses and customized consulting and guidance services. The company aims at filling the gap of parent-child communication in the Chinese market. However, their approach cannot be considered financially viable since it entails high production costs to deliver the services. The customization of services might have several cost implications considering that the team plans to recruit a professional team to provide different family services. The company will have to recruit many employees considering their three-stage approach for each family. Furthermore, the company will incur more costs to provide the standardized courses they plan to deliver online. Apart from web development costs, the company will need to recruit an operational team and incur maintenance costs. Moreover, the organization intends to apply a non-profit approach when working with local schools. This approach implies the company will deliver free services to the public schools but still pay its employees. The process also involves separate consultation between the child and the parent, which implies that more time is needed to accomplish the desired objective.
Furthermore, the operation is not definite as it might take longer than expected to accomplish the goals. More miscellaneous costs might be incurred since the company does not forecast the risks associated with the approach. The approach suggested by the organization to assist communication between parents and underage children will incur high operational costs. However, the services offered by the organization are similar to those provided by therapists. Therefore, their services' prices will have to be defined within the limits of their location's market cost. This approach seems slightly overambitious since for the company to incur substantial profit margins, they will have to overprice their services. However, the market might not be willing to obtain the services at a high cost. The organization might end up compromising the services to ensure financial viability or experience losses.
The organization's investment target's a large group of people in the society since it offers a solution to a problem experienced by many people. Although there are businesses built around this entrepreneurial concept, the idea of focusing on communication between parents and children targets a new market. Moreover, a corporation wi...
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