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Sales Force Survey Assignment. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Sales Force Survey Assignment:

• First, review the case information below (Primus Sales Force Survey)and then critically analyze the questions used in the sales forcesurvey. Note: the company does not have a communicationassessment strategy and has not established an Key PerformanceIndicators for its communication activities. To what degree are thesurvey questions clearly phrased? To what degree do they measurecritical attitudes? And to what extent will they provide the basis forcorrective action? Be sure to provide examples. (400-500 words)

• Review the survey results. Identify 3-4 important patterns that emergefrom a review of the data, and explain how they might provide a basisfor improving communication with the company’s sales force (400-500 words)
Note: be sure to cite sources using APA documentation and include a referencelist.
Review the Rubric below for this assignment.Primus Sales Force SurveySurvey audience:Sales Representatives – all levels of experience and tenure with the company. At the time thisonline survey was conducted, Primus had 2,355 sales representatives in 82 sales offices acrossthe United States.The response rate for Sales Representatives was 65%.Sales Managers – people with sales management responsibilities – recruiting, training andsupervising sales reps, overseeing sales activity, providing organizational leadership, etc. At thetime the survey was conducted, Primus had 344 sales managers in 82 sales offices across theUnited States.
The response rate for Sales Managers was 91%.Survey Questions:
Response categories (1-7 scale, with 1 being lowest and 7 being highest in terms of agreement,importance, or satisfaction)Rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 71.The monthly sales magazine provides useful information in helping me do my job.2. The intranet portal provides useful information in helping me do my job.3. I receive the right amount of communication.4. The company provides information in a way that allows me to quickly find what I need.Rate the level of importance on a scale of 1 to 75. Importance of communication to sales successRate your level of satisfaction with the following on a scale of 1 to 76. Satisfaction with communication received.7. I have a clear sense of company direction.
Survey Results:
Response categories (1-7 scale, with 1 being lowest and 7 being highest in terms of agreement,importance, or satisfaction):• Positive (6, 7)• On the fence (4, 5)• Negative (1-3)NOTE: Percent change from prior year’s survey is shown in ( ) -- two questions were not askedin the prior year survey

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sales Force Survey
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Sales Force Survey
Part I
Survey Questions Clearly Phrased
The degree to which insights can be gleaned from survey questions largely depends on how clearly they are structured and communicated (Paine, 2011). The survey questions are phrased clearly and concisely. The options provided in every question encourage an unbiased opinion of the employee. For instance, the survey subjects have been asked to show their agreement level with the organization management's support to complete the designated tasks. The responses provided by the employees indicate the satisfaction level of the employees. The questions also ask the managers and sales representatives to answer whether useful information is available in the sales magazine. It tests the attitudes of employees and checks the significance level of information present in the sales magazine. The second question asks the employees to rate the significance of commination in sales. This question shows the severe salesperson level coordinating with the different departments and teams to achieve the organizational objectives. The third and final question checks employees' satisfaction level about the communication received from the company's management and future direction. These questions answer the top management to evaluate current policies' success and the employees' trust level in the organization's policies.
Measure Critical Attitudes
The focused survey questions help the organization's management in evaluating the critical attitudes of the employees. The second question evaluates the critical attitudes of the salesperson and employees operating at the managerial level. The results of the question indicate that the employee responses are not stable. The Sales Force Survey measures the critical attitudes of the employees to the ordinal level. There is much deviation in the final scores (Paine, 2011). For example, the survey's first question asks for an accurate rating from the employees on a rating scale. The options provided are most appropriate and judge the critical attitudes of the employees. The behavioral components and positive attitude of the employees can be evaluated from the first question. The high or low rating provided by the employees will help the management evaluate employees' satisfaction level. Moreover, the management will know whether the employees are satisfied with the support provided by the government. The second question evaluates employees' professional behaviors and checks whether a significant communication level is present between the sales team. The third question also evaluates the level of positive behavior present in the employees and their acceptance level about the company's direction.
Forms Basis for Corrective Measures
The survey questionnaire provides the basis for taking corrective measures to enhance the business processes efficiency. The responses given by the employees will help the organization to improve the efficiency of its business pr...
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