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Amazon and Its Market Share

Essay Instructions:

This video can be accessed via either PBS or Youtube.



While watching the video, answer the below questions. The submission due is Nov 6.

I do not require long answers. Some of the questions are prepared to see whether you've actually watched the video. Write as much as you can.

How did Amazon gain market share so fast in the book business?

What is the “Gazelle program”? What’s Amazon’s argument about this tactic? What’s the publishers’ argument about this tactic?

What are the concerns related to the Amazon warehouse/fulfillment center?

Is there any problem with the customer-first policy?

What are the concerns related to the Amazon Delivery system?

What are the concerns related to the Third-party seller?

Do you think Amazon is a monopoly? Do you think the Anti-trust law should apply to Amazon?

What are the concerns related to Amazon's artificial intelligence system?

What do you think about their stakeholder management? Do you think they are managing their stakeholders well?

Do you think we are choosing convenience over many important values such as health, safety, fair competition, and privacy?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Amazon was able to gain market share fast in the book business because it offered its customers a wider variety of books at relatively reduced prices than those of the other bookstores. The gazelle program refers to the initiative by Amazon to convince book publishers to give the company better deals for the books that Amazon would help to distribute. Amazon argues that this tactic offered publishers a cheaper distribution channel since those who did not accept the deal would find it hard to sell their books.
The main concerns about the Amazon warehouse or fulfillment center is that the health and safety of workers are usually compromised at this place because of overworking just to meet the set targets. The customer-first policy at Amazon has no problem since through it; the company has been able to provide value for their customers in form of a wide product variety to choose from. The concerns related to t...
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