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Different Versions of Shakespeare's "Henry V"

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Essay- Henry V
Part 1: Pelican edition of Henry V
Shakespeare targeted The Elizabethan audiences based on his choice of subject and focus on the positive angle of nobility where the people were better off with a capable Henry V. After the Battle of Agincourt, Henry V the new king is presented as an able military leader and politician. Shakespeare highlighted nationalistic themes in the story and the importance of a just leader who seeks guidance from God. Shakespeare cast Henry as an exemplary ruler who was victorious and a national hero. There is ambiguity when addressing the issue of war, but Shakespeare still emphasized the prince’s heroism.
Shakespeare assumed that the targeted audience knew about the key historical events shrouding the death of Henry IV and Henry V then had to ascend to the throne at a time when there Scottish and Welsh rebel factions. Historical interpretations of the play and understanding the context of the story are crucial to appreciating Shakespeare’s work and ideas. In Act 4, Scene1, the king states “O God of battles! steel my soldiers' hearts; Possess them not with fear; take from them now” (Shakespeare & McEachern,, 2017). This is consistent with the theme of heroism throughout the book and the commentators have delved into this in the Penguin Shakespeare series.
The Elizabethan audience lived under a monarchy and focusing on the nobility would interest since there were familiar with this. The various characters singing the king’s praises in the chorus in the first Act. By referencing history, Shakespeare alluded that the audiences, many of whom attended London playhouses knew some details of how power play shaped the political structure of the English, Welsh and Scottish societies under the monarchy. Henry V is the ideal Christian monarch, but it his triumphs against the French that receive much attention.
Part 2- Another printed edition of Henry V
In the internet Shakespeare version (Henry V -Modern, Folio) the writer targeted students and the text is in modern English, but other versions have translated to simple English. For instance, Exeter tells King Henry “Not here in presence” and he meant that the lord of Canterbury was not there. In the introduction the writer provides context about the play and explains how characters interacted and liked to the plot. For students who are unfamiliar with the previous works mentioning Henry V, this is relevant to understanding the plot of the story and themes.
The design helps tell your story and the book version includes the chorus/ prologue and conveys the tone of t...
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