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Developing Leadership: Societal Influences for Women in The Workplace

Essay Instructions:

1. What are the societal influences for women in the workplace (this will need to be focused on one or two countries?

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Developing Leadership: Societal Influences for Women in The Workplace
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Developing Leadership: Societal Influences for Women in The Workplace
Patriarchal culture and women leadership
Whereas women play an active role in the society as procreators of future generation and contributors to modern economies, they continue to face the challenges of occupation gender segregation. The patriarchal perspective that most societies hold, which is largely influenced by religious teachings, considers women to be inferior compared to their male counterparts (Carbajal, n.d). This perspective has been reflected in the workplaces where women often have lower levels of power and status than men, especially the influence based on legitimate authority or expertise (Carli, 2001). Kathleen, McGinn, and Oh (2017) attest that individuals in subordinate positions at workplaces, whether due to class or gender, tend portray other-oriented in addition to self-oriented behaviors. The social class shapes women’s experiences either at home or at workplaces and this heightens the identification with females with relatively lower class. This paper presents a discussion on how the society such as the Indian culture influences women in the workplace and the manner in which gender differences are portrayed in women employment or promotion behaviors and beliefs.
Statistics indicate that women aged between 25 and 54 years have increasingly been engaged in paid employment with rates in labor force participation rising to 72% in 2015 from 54% in 1980 (Kathleen, McGinn & Oh, 2017). There are two indications from studies conducted across cohorts and countries: work pathways and women wage rates and their participation in the labor market. These studies show that the work pathways of men and women tend to swerve as parentage approaches, and even further following childbirth. In addition, women wage rates and their participation in paid employment is relatively lower compared to men (Kathleen, McGinn, & Oh, 2017). A recent study by Pew Research has documented how the society perceives gen...
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