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UNIT III- S.M.A.R.T.E.R acronym

Essay Instructions:

For this unit, assume you are in the research and development division of your selected organization. The CEO has directed you to come up with a new product or service that will be delivered to the American or global consumer in the next 12 months. Using your creativity and what you have learned thus far, establish goals and a SMARTER outline by explaining each of your SMARTER characteristics for your product /service over the next year.

In your assignment, address the components listed below.

Frame your paper with a solid introduction.

Develop the body of your paper using the SMARTER acronym, and explain each area over a 12-month period. Note: You need to be creative and figure out goals and timelines with the SMARTER framework with specific details. In your explanation, include how the SMARTER acronym can be used to improve performance practices.

Provide a conclusion and recommendation summary to your CEO.

Support your paper with at least one reference. This may be your course textbook.

Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines. Must be under 20% plagiarized in Safe Assign and submitted by 10:00pm EST on 10/23/18.

S.M.A.R.T.E.R acronym.

Specific: What needs to be accomplished? Are the requirements and expectations clear as to when,

where, and who is involved?

 Measureable: Goals need to be measured according to accomplishment. Measurement usually

includes quantity, time frame, or quality. Individuals establish metrics to gauge goal accomplishment.

 Achievable: Goals need to be challenging but not impossible to attain. If the goal is set too high and

not met, there can be setbacks with morale and motivation with individuals and groups. If the goal is

too low, there is no sense of achievement.

 Relevant: Goals need to apply to the employee’s job. This creates a sense of accomplishment,

reflection on what happened, why, and how to move forward.

 Time-framed: Goals need dates for completion also known as milestones. At this point, goals are

measured against the set standard where decisions are made to adjust or move forward.

 Exciting: Consider the role of passion and commitment. If employees see the goals in these two

shades, they will become more engaged in goal attainment, reward, and personal growth through


 Reviewed: Closing the loop on SMARTER is feedback. Feedback is provided to improve the

employees’ engagement toward goal progress and goal fulfillment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
      UNIT III- S.M.A.R.T.E.R acronym Name Institution Date       Background  The project is introducing a new makeup foundation, Beauté, for people of different colors, shades and skin tones and targeting young to middle aged women. The company is committed to improve personal care and launch beauty products that enhance aesthetics. The SMARTER goals are used to inform decision making and actions to develop the action plan to meet the set objectives. These objectives meet the SMARTER characteristics as they be specific, measurable, achievable, and result-oriented and with a time-framed reference, exciting, and reviewed. Specific,  In the specific objective, there are many more possibilities to achieve the goals than the generic objectives. This would be, increase sales of the Beauté product line by 20% in the country. The responsibility belongs to the management and the marketing department.  Measureable The success of the product will be reflected by sales, and is closely linked with the specific objective and is quantifiable in numbers. Furthermore, the set metrics are relevant to assess progress of the goal, which helps to stay in the intended direction and within the desired time (Brown et al., 2016). The measurable objective is increasing the purchases at our online store and the traditional stores by 20% and the target audience: are the recurring female users between 18 and 45 years old.   Achievable Since the company already has the necessary skills and tools to achieve it, this will influence the goals and is met with the available resources (Bjerke & Renger, 2017).  A goal that is ambiguous is not reachable since the circumstances allow this to be attainable. The achievable goal then is to utilize the company’s resources and capabilities to make and market the product. Relevant      A relevant goal is con...
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