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Group work. Product Analysis Of World Wildlife Fund.

Essay Instructions:

base on the guide I provided, write the product analysis of WWF, world wildlife fund.

https://www(dot)worldwildlife(dot)org/ this is their official website

the essay need

The three layers (core, actual, and augmented); stage in product life-cycle;

quality; other relevant observations

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Product Analysis Of World Wildlife Fund
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Product analysis of world wildlife fund
Every industry develop various methods to attract consumer in their market by application of knowledge learnt during the study of market dynamism. It is done in order to create a strategy to guide an individual on how to run the business by putting into concern factors needed and aware in running a business. The business operator should be aware of the strength, dangers, and company’s weakness to be able to identify which factor to focus on (Foss, 1997). This paper will discuss ways to apply in analyzing products of World Wildlife Fund.
Core products of world wildlife funds are mainly as a result of influence of bettering other products. Cooperate partnership from organizations to improve surrounding by saving the wild life and protecting forest to enhance continuity of ecosystem can be referred as a core product. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) mainly focuses its effort in achieving five major goals. Conservation of forest, ocean, wildlife; climate and energy are among major goals of WWF. In order to achieve long lasting impacts, world wildlife does not only focus on handling causes of environmental hazards but it is extensive to reach drivers of ecological harms across governance and market. Products of world wildlife funds are mostly provision of services in maintaining order and restoration of the environment. They fund networks of professionals across the world who generally team up to yield WWF goals. Creating a national platform for other organizations with a similar goal helps WWF to be able to reach local communities, governments, development organization and consumers (WWF, 2017).
Actual products of WWF are mainly household goods that are use every day as alternatives. WWF developed a wide range of recipes from products of natural resources. Most of this products are packed mainly using recycled material in favor of environment conservation measures. Their advertising techniques of placing posters in the market can also be termed as actual products
World wildlife fund organize strategies to drive sustainable food system to the members of the society in order of conserving the nature and feeding humanity. According to the study, 7.3 billion people consume around 1.6 times what the world’s natural resources is able to provide (WWF, 2017). Global growth of population indicates that in the next thirty years world’s population will ...
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