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Dell's Marketing Strategy Dell – Getting Products to Markets

Essay Instructions:

This week's assignment is intended to improve your understanding of the importance of both distribution and promotional choices by combining both of those elements into one example. It is also intended to remind you that all of the elements of marketing must be coordinated if the overall marketing plan is to be effective and efficient.

The assignment is to analyze Dell's current distribution/promotional strategy. Dell is one of the most famous examples of using the distribution channel as the primary marketing element and of making significant changes to that element over time. This is a completely external assignment, which no direct connection to the assigned text, although there are parts of Chapter 12 that can help guide you.

Five areas of interest are listed below along with a link to get you started on your research. Your opinion on the correctness of the choices Dell has made should be included.

KoichiTachiya. (Jun 2, 2013). Dell's Marketing Strategy. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Areas to explore:

How Dell gets product to market.

How Dell differs from its main competitors in combining distribution and promotion.

How Dell differs in targeting and how that relates to its distribution strategy.

How Dell differs in product and how that relates to its distribution strategy.

How Dell differs in how it uses digital distribution and promotional strategies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dell's Marketing Strategy
Author’s Name: ________________________________
Institutional Affiliation: ____________________________________
Dell's Marketing Strategy
Dell – Getting Products to Markets
Dell Corporation (Dell) is prominently recognized for excellent hardware and high-power machines that are sold in consumer markets worldwide. Traditionally, Dell tends to sell the products to the customers directly. The company eliminated the role of wholesalers, retailers and related players in the distribution channel in order to maintain direct relationships with the customers. As a result, the distribution of Dell involved only two parties, namely the company and its customers. With the passage of span, Dell shifted the focus towards digital channels by using the internet for selling personal computers to the customers online. The company adopted the approach of gathering specification details directly from the customers, which are incorporated into machines and distributed via digital channels subsequently (Matsui, 2016).
Differentiating from Competitors
The promotional and distributional efforts of Dell were adequate for maintaining differentiation from the competitors noticeably. The company implemented the direct distribution approach, which is not a proactive practice of competitors. Dell interacted directly with the customers in order to track information related to the requirements of a machine. Based on the requirements, Dell tends to manufacture a personal computer and delivers it immediately without involving retailers and related intermediaries. The company promotes the distributional efficacy by positioning the brand as highly responsive and efficient towards requirements of individual customers significantly (Lakshmi, 2018).
Targeting and Relationship with Distribution Strategy
The targeting strategy of Dell is performed through the psychographic and demographic metrics of the customer base. The company targets tech-savvy professionals and executives that serve a progressive corporation while being sensitive towards the status symbol simultaneously. Based on the targeting strategy, Dell offers customiz...
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