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Uniqueness and Suitable Growth Strategy of Samsung Galaxy S9+

Essay Instructions:

In marketing, "new" and "growth" both money to the bottom line, or to use the more trendy term, EBITDA. Either way, absent having a patented cure for a widespread serious disease, marketers need to feed "new" and "growth" into their mix on a fairly regular basis particularly if their enterprise is publicly owned where the rate of growth as well as the amount of growth need to be ever-increasing.

Select a real new product (not a service) currently on the market to use as the basis for completing this assignment, which has a focus on the topics discussed in Chapter 15, and answer the questions below as they relate to your chosen product.

Categorize your product using the measured in the "How New Is New?" topic.

Decide if your product is being marketed using a pioneer or follower strategy and explain your decision.

Decide which growth strategy (as listed in Exhibit 15.12 on page 429) would be appropriate for your product and explain your decision.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author’s Name: __________________________
Institutional Affiliation: _____________________________
The industry of consumer electronics is shifting tides unprecedentedly with constant integration of technology and innovation in the products. Particularly the smartphone segments, the leading brands in the sector are introducing advanced gadgets with innovative features for capitalizing the attention of audiences worldwide. Recently, Samsung launched the ninth version of the flagship mobile brand, Samsung Galaxy S9+ (S9+), which dominated the consumer electronics sector with attractive features and dynamism significantly. The objective of this paper is to examine the uniqueness of S9+ and identify a suitable strategy for growth subsequently.
How is “New” New?
Undoubtedly, S9+ revamped the traditional usage and presentation of a smartphone with appearance and features collectively. First, Samsung overcame the traditional color selection of S9+ by choosing a different option rather Rose Gold, Silver, Blue or Black. S9+ gained the attention of audiences with the vibrant lilac color, which is exclusive for this version only. Moreover, S9+ has enhanced the value of Samsung Pay, which is launched but unutilized since 2015. Samsung Pay in S9+ has enabled retail terminals that do not accept mobile payments. The application in S9+ is upgraded in a manner that customer could use it as a magnetic stripe of a credit card once placed near the terminal (Dolcourt, 2018). As a result, the overall usage of Samsung Pay is improvised in S9+.
On the contrary, the Iris can do-over in S9+ is another innovation that surpasses the value proposition of iPhone X. As claimed by Dolcourt (2018), rather being limited to screen unlocking, the Iris scan in S9+ is performed by the users for confirming payments on Samsung Pay and Android Pay. In a case of failure in the first time, S9...
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