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3 pages/≈825 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Negative Message With Positive Emphasis

Essay Instructions:

4 paragraph, professional essay.

the case mentioned in the requirement is in the casebook

the PPT is the detailed requirement

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ann Maxwell
Global Airlines
To: Rita Simmons
From: Ann Maxwell
Subject: response to Ms. Smith’s letter
Regarding Ms. Smith's letter, I would like to inform her that the company will not be able to compensate for the cost of $250 incurred in the hotel because it is part of the International Air Travels Tickets exclusions. I will also make it clear that Global Airlines is under no legal obligation to offer them E-TUVs (Electronic "Travel with Us Vouchers"). I will also inform her that we will request BlueSky's management to launch an investigation on the incidence that took place in their Airline. Regarding the request of the pilot's number, she will either forward hers to the BlueSky Airline for further assistance, or we provide her with their official contacts. I will also persuade her to be a part of clients in the future because we look forward to improving our services.
Ann Maxwell
Rita Simmons
Global Airlines
Lyn Smith
I would like to acknowledge the receipt of your letter I read through all the complaints. It is a pleasure of our organization to address them in the best way possible to ensure your satisfaction.
We understand that you experienced many delays that were caused by changes in weather and misunderstandings in the management systems of bit Globe Airline and BlueSky Airline. Such delays resulted in you spending an extra amount of $250 to book for a hotel that you only slept in for 2hour. We understand that this amount was discounted as a result of the few hours which you spent in their hotel. We have also noted the various inconveniences that were caused by BlueSky Airline regarding the bookings of your tickets only to realize that your husband's seat had a replacement. However, we are glad the issue was resolved, and you were able to fly back and attend the cancer clinic on time. We are also grateful for the pilot who helped in resolving the issue hence avoiding furthers delays that could have resulted from the inconvenience. Therefore, we deeply apologize on behalf of our agents who...
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