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Customer Relationships and customer experiences

Essay Instructions:
Select an organization that employs a highly personalized approach to selling products or services to its customers online (example, Amazon, Spotify, Netflix..). Ideally, this is one that you are familiar with. 1. What are the different ways that this organization uses personalization in its marketing effort? 2. What are some of the specific actions/behaviors that customers engage in that enable personalized service? 3. What are specific customer actions and behaviors that the firm can collect data on that would provide evidence of the effectiveness of personalized marketing efforts? 4. What digital analytics can the firm use, based on your learning this week, that firm measure the value of personalization for the organization?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Customer Relationships and Customer Experiences Student’s Name Institution Course Name and Number Lecturer’s Name Due Date Customer Relationships and Customer Experiences Personalization is a marketing strategy that involves the use of customer data to understand consumer preferences, tailor content, and personalize services (Stoldt, 2021). Most organizations employ this strategy because it increases customer retention, boosts conversation and sales, increases customer engagement and loyalty, and provides a more satisfying customer experience (Zhang et al., 2018). A good example of a company that uses this approach is Netflix. Different Ways Netflix Uses Personalization in its Marketing Effort One way Netflix uses personalization in its marketing effort is through recommendation algorithms. The organization assesses user's viewing history, ratings, and interactions with the platform to produce personalized recommendations. It utilizes content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and other machine-learning techniques to recommend movies and Television shows that are likely to interest its customers (Netflix, n.d.). Another way is through push and email notifications. Netflix sends personalized emails and push notifications to its subscribers, highlighting new releases and suggestions according to the customers’ viewing history and upcoming titles of interest. Customer Actions/Behaviors that Enable Personalized Service A common behavior that Netflix customers engage in that enables personalized service is rating content. Netflix allows users to rate its content using a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating system. This feature has encouraged Netflix subscribers to rate the Movies and Television shows aired on Netflix depending on their...
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