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Cultural Dimensions to do Business Internationally

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 3: Cultural Diversity Paper
Discuss cultural dimensions to doing business internationally and identify how culture affects international management. Specifically your essay should consider including the following suggested topics: 
•What is culture? 
•What are the components that make up a culture? 
•What is diversity? 
•What constitutes diversity issues in business? 
•How do they [culture and diversity] affect doing business on an international level?
Please include these sources:
Bartlett, Christopher, and Beamish, Paul (2011). Transnational management: Text, cases, and readings in cross border management (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishers. 
ISBN: 978-0078137112
Martin, J. & Chaney, L. (2012). Global business etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-0313397172

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Culture and Business
Every other community in the society has some element of culture. As an aspect that defines them, sets them apart and makes them unique. It can thus been said to be a cumulative deposit of all the unique sets of beliefs, spatial relations, attitudes, experiences, values, meanings, hierarchies and knowledge. There are also aspects related to concept of the universe, religion, roles of the different people in the society and the precepts of the way that they interact with other people. Culture is considered cumulative and transmitted relative to the fact that, different elements of a certain culture are passed on over the generations. There are quite a number of aspects that make a culture and cumulatively affect the way that make decisions and interact with their environment. This includes the way that are able to interact with other people, animals, plants even natural events such as weather and seasons. As such, on a broader scale, culture is an aspect that affect the way that people interact with the universe and the basic concept behind such approaches.
As mentioned above, culture is made up of different parts. These are the parts that psychologists look for when they are studying any given culture. There are some five basic components that form any given culture in the world. These are components that help consolidate the practices and the uniqueness of a given culture. The first component is the language used. Different cultures will have the basic aspect of language, which is a complex set of words and phrases that have coherent arrangements and confer meaning. Language thus helps the people a given culture to communicate with another as a way of passing on ideas and information from one person to the next (Renee, 2016). There also the norms component, which basically refers to the set of rules that are acceptable and those that are considered unacceptable. Norms go a long way in enhancing the behavior of the people in the specified community. Norms can take the forms of laws, folk laws and mores. They also tend to vary in their importance relative to the culture’s morals, beliefs and values.The other component of culture are values, which are broad ideals on what is desirable and shared among the people in a given culture. As such they tend to influence behavior. One other component of culture are the symbols. This represents all things that are considered to represent something other than themselves. As such, they may take the form of a language, gesture or an object. Physical objects also form part of the cultural components. The American flag is a good example of objects that are part of the American culture and signify some important aspect to the entire culture and community.
Diversity refers to the dimension that are used to separate the different groups and people. It can be easily described as the differ...
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