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Health Office: School Nurse Scenarios Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Patrick is a fifth-grade student with type 1 diabetes diagnosed over the summer. Today for the second time he came to the health office feeling weak and tired. He mentioned he didn’t feel hungry, so he didn’t eat breakfast. After checking his blood sugar it is 60 mg/ dl. You look at his management of diabetes orders and follow the routine care of hypoglycemia. You give the student 15 grams of fast acting carbs. You call to inform his mother and she mentions “Its also been low at home, but he doesn’t feel hungry and doesn’t want to eat breakfast.” What would be your response to his mother? If his symptoms continue after 3 treatments what would you do? If this problem continues for more days, what would be the next step? What is your school district policy when parents are non-compliant with their child's health?
A student comes into your health office c/o coughing, fever, and night sweats for one week. He is foreign born, Spanish speaking only, and has no health insurance. You look on his immunization card that he is TST positive . He has no recollection of taking any medication. What steps do you take? Where do you refer him to? What other information would you gather from this student?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

School Nurse Scenarios
School Nurse Scenarios
1. Response to mother: I would find out from the mother how she manages low blood sugar at home and the frequency of such occurrence. I would ask the mother if she is basing the insulin dose on just the blood sugar level or the required intake of carbohydrates as well. From the description of Patrick, he had type 1 diabetes over the summer, a condition that does not always occur in adolescents, but usually diagnosed in children and young adults. Patients with type 1 diabetes develop high blood sugar level because glucose remains and accumulate in the blood stream over time. Such patients also feel hungry, thirsty and urinate often. However, the child’s blood sugar is low, and this may be due to some factors. For instance, PE lessons before lunch may affect the blood glucose levels and Patrick may have passed his honeymoon phase needing different ratios for carb coverage and insulin dosing, or mother injected too much insulin in him. Research shows that 90% of all patients who receive insulin have suffered hypoglycemia (Broscoe & Davis, 2006).
2. If the symptoms continue after giving him 15 grams of fast acting carbohydrates, I will give the student another serving fast acting carbohydrate. If after three rounds of carbs, the student’s sugar level is still low, I would re-test more promptly and give him three tablets of glucose if he can swallow (Briscoe & Davis, 2006). If he is unconscious, I will administer glucagon IM, inform the parent, and call 911.
3. The patient should be able to recover the average glucose level in about 10 – 15 minutes. If the problem continues for more days, I would call the child’s endocrinologist immediately explaining every step I took and send all the readings and interventions from the log sheet to their office. I would notify the mother and ask her to book an appointment for follow-up.
4. It is effective to work with parents and endocrinologist in these situations, bu...
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