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Written Assignment 4: Boundaryless Strategy Paper

Essay Instructions:

Written Assignment 4: Boundaryless Strategy Paper
Based upon the readings, you have reviewed strategies and identified the organizational structures needed for success in expanding globally. You are asked to summarize your thinking by creating a boundaryless strategy at your current organization which is the subject in a paper. Specifically your essay should consider including the following suggested topics: 
•Define boundaryless strategy means to your organizations 
•Strategic imperatives to the organizational capabilities 
•Organizational structures and systems that need to be in place 
•Implications on current workload, layoffs, economic implications
Please include these sources if applicable
Monge, P. (1998). Communication Structures and Processes in Globalization. Journal of Communication. 48 (4), 11-26. 
[Available online at: http://www(dot)usc(dot)edu/schools/annenberg/c/faculty/mong/pdf/Globalization_JOC_1998.pdf]
Martin, J. & Chaney, L. (2012). Global business etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-0313397172
Bartlett, Christopher, and Beamish, Paul (2011). Transnational management: Text, cases, and readings in cross border management (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishers. 
ISBN: 978-0078137112

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Boundaryless Strategy
Boundaryless Strategy
In a world that is constantly changing relative to the element of different cultural backgrounds as for the many cultures they are from. This is the case due in part, to the level of globalization that an organization interacts with. Where employees from different cultures come to the work place, there is need for an organization to become boundaryless (Bartlett& Beamish, 2011). This with is with reference to the fact that there is need to ensure cohesion and appreciation of the different cultures that the employees are from. As such, the different cultures have to be respected and reflected on the company policies. This is to mean that no one is discriminated relative to their religion, sexual orientation of social status among others by adopting a policy that rather forges cohesion and appreciation of the uniqueness that comes with the differences. This further means that there is always an element of curiosity among the staff to want to know more about other cultures. The element of cultural competence is one that has been molded and expressed at the place of work. This is to ensure that, the different cultures do not at any time become a hindrances to growth of the company due to the redundancies creates from the differences and indifference to the same.
It is important to note that the organizational capabilities are considered to be the resultant of the control mechanisms, processes and the organizational systems (Monge, 1998).Ideally, these are aspects that are intangible and it is crucial that a firm is able to take advantage of the resources that are at its disposal. Using the resources the company is then able to build the core competencies (Smallwood & Ulrich, 2004). From which point the firm is able to create a competitive advantage for the firm, creating customer value, developing new and better goods and services relative to innovation at the firm. One of the main imperatives relates to the fact that, companies have to be adaptive to the consumer needs and fast. The market is highly dynamic, especially where a company also has operations in the global markets (Smallwood & Ulrich, 2004). There is a need to adapt to the changing environments and the customer needs that are constantly changing. Keeping up with the changing needs means that the company is able to adapt through innovative means (Monge, 1998). Cultural competence is also an essential aspect and one that defines the level of growth the company can achieve. Where the company is able to incorporate cultural competence in its policies, it creates a healthy environment that ...
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