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Course Work 6: An Expatriate

Essay Instructions:

Question 1

Describe expatriate compensation. Consider how these options might be used for a transnational and a multi-domestic company.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2

For recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and evaluation, explain how adaptation and knowledge of foreign cultures are key determinants of success in international human resource management.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3

Compare and contrast the four IHRM orientations. How can each support a multinational strategy?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4

Explain the role of the female expatriate. Investigate reasons why they may not be selected for international assignments. What can multinational companies do to help them succeed?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Question 5

One of the reasons for expatriate failure is the inability of the expatriate to adjust to the socio-cultural environment of target country of deployment. As an International human resource manager, what other causes can you unearth? How can you address them in order to reduce the failure rate to the barest minimum?

(Optional) What do you think are the key expatriate selection factors that determine success? What are the managerial implications?

Your response should be at least 150 words in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course work 6 Name: Institution: Course work 6 Question One: An expatriate is a person living in another country temporarily for work purposes. In most cases, a person is not a citizen of the country. Also, an expatriate can be a person who has renounced the citizenship of their own country to become a citizen of another country. Expatriate compensation refers to the benefits, such as house allowances, given to employees in addition to the salary. Americans working abroad as expatriates are required to comply with the tax regulations of the United States. This has proved challenging since America taxes the citizens on the income they earn in other countries. Expatriate compensation causes significant challenges to companies all over the globe. However, companies all over the world are being pressured to start controlling the growing costs brought about by the expatriate assignments. This is because the companies are fully aware of the failure that can follow (Shortland, 2018). Most compensation packages have common factors. Some of these factors relate to the local market like the cost of living and taxes. Multinational companies aware of the housing costs tend to provide forms of housing to their employers. However, the greatest challenge for these countries is determining the best method that will work best for the company. Question Two: Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to a set of activities in an organization aimed at directing and managing the human resources for the purpose of achieving the set goals of the organization. The functions performed by the HRM staff include managing promotions, recruiting new workers and training among others. International Human Resource Management (IHRM) can be defined as the activities aimed at managing the human resources in an organization and having a competitive advantage over the competitors at a national and international level. The functions of IHRM are the same as HRM. However, IHRM is mostly concerned about the management of human resources at Multinational Companies. IHRM manages employees of the home country, employees who are not from the host country and employees belonging to the home country of the firm. For a firm to be successful in the operations in a foreign country, it has to adapt to the ways business is carried out in that country (Cranston, 2018). The company has to adapt effectively and in an appropriate way to the different demands in the surrounding environment to improve on performance. Also, knowledge of cultural ways in the host country is important. For example, in Muslim countries, it is illegal to carry out businesses that bring profits. This can be hard since most businesses aim at maximizing the profits. Question Three: The Four orientations of International Human Resource Management reflect on the tactics and philosophies employed by the activities carried out in IHRM for the technical and managerial workers. The four types of orientations are polycentric, global, ethnocentric and region-centric. Ethnocentric refers to all the aspects of HRM the technical workers and manager follow in the home country of an organization. Regiocentric IHRM is where the HRM adopts the policies in the region. Polycentric IHRM is where the firms treat each organization in a country on a different level (Jiang &Yahiaoui, 2019). Both polycentric and regiocentric orientations are similar because both emphasize on the adaptation of the differences in culture and institutions among the countries. However, the difference is that polycentric executes IHRM practices to countries while regiocentric companies adopt the practices to regions. Global IHRM happens during recruiting a...
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