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Business & Marketing
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Positioning a New Product for Success

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Positioning a new product for success. Be sure to explain what these terms mean and how they relate to one another

Product: you can choose to write about a real or an imaginary product that you make up. You cannot write about electronic stores.

Use the topic or prompt to structure your essay. Tell me about a new(or existing) product/service ( real or imagined) by describing what it is (its features and attributes) amd what benefits it offers. Tell me what you want to achieve( what constitutes success) in terms of target audience, market penetration, short or long term sales, competitive advantages and market dominance. Finally, position the product, that is, tell me what you want your target audience to think and fell about the product so they will be motivated to purchase and try it and thereby help you reach your goals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Positioning a New Product for Success Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Positioning a New Product for Success Product positioning refers to the process used by marketers to determine how to best communicate the attributes of their products to the target customers depending on competitive pressures and customer needs. A well carried out positioning campaign ensures that the marketing messages resonate well with the target customers and compel them to purchase the product. This paper seeks to position a wide range of compression wear and shapewear for the geriatrics. Compression and shapewear refer to a wide range of skintight apparels that help stimulate the circulation of blood and also stabilizes the muscles by putting pressure on muscles in specific parts of the body. They also control body temperature as well as improve stamina and body stamina. For a long time, the benefits of the product have been ignored. Preferably, the market has primarily been concerned with the ability of compression wear and shapewear to squish fat hence making one appear slimmer. Moreover, the category of products has traditionally been associated with aesthetic purposes. The product that the study seeks to position is aimed at the geriatric market, which is not well penetrated. The insight is informed by the fact that the geriatric population in the world is expected to grow at an unprecedented rate as the baby boomers age. The benefits of compression wear and shapewear for this population are mainly medical. These products are increasingly being used in the treatment of edema, thrombosis, and phlebitis which occur in old age. This positioning campaign seeks to increase the awareness ...
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