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Small Business Start-Up: Empowering Employees by P&L Responsibilities

Essay Instructions:

Watch the following brief video on The Single Best Path to Rapid Growth: http://www(dot)inc(dot)com/david-steinberg/single-best-path-to-rapid-growth.html

Would most employees of small firms welcome or resist a leadership approach that sought their ideas and involved them in meetings to let them know what was going on? As David Steinberg in the video argues, do you think it is best to empower employees and give people P&L (Profit and Loss) responsibility as low as you can in the organization? Do you know what your strengths are and where you would empower others instead of doing it all yourself?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Small Business Start Up
Employees of small firms are likely to welcome a leadership approach which pursues their ideas and involve them in organizational meetings to let them know what is going on in the company. Usually, this is known as a participative leadership and it normally keeps the employee update about the issues concerning the company (Root, 2018). It is keynoting that workers are likely to prefer this type of leadership because it enhances morale since employees are given the voice in the operation of the company. Additionally, all workers are given a personal stake in the success of the business and they, therefore, feel liable to the firm’s accomplishments. Involving the workers in the company’s meeting gives employees opportunities to air their ideas and opinions on the company issues.
Giving employees P&L (Profit and Loss) responsibilities is one of the best ways to empower them. Usually, managers and leaders in an organization cannot do everything in the organization ...
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